HIST 2620 Exam 1 Vocabulary you should know defined in notes below 10 Plan Wade Davis Bill Radical Reconstruction 13th Amendment 15th Amendment Special Field Order 15 Freedman s Bureau Sharecropping Black Codes Compromise of 1877 Ku Klux Klan Colfax Massacre Lost Cause Redeemers Jim Crow Laws Exodusters The Homestead Act Ghost Town Cowboys The Sand Creek Massacre Grant s Peace Policy Carlisle Indian School Dawes Allotment Act Ghost Dance Movement Buffalo Bill Cody The Frontier Thesis Gilded Age Transcontinental Railroad Captains of Industry Robber Baron William Randolph Hearst Queen Lili uokalani The Cuban Melodrama Yellow Journalism Teller Amendment U S S Maine Spanish American War Philippine American War Panama Canal Helpful links http www pbs org weta thewest events important events in American west http www history com topics american civil war reconstruction reconstruction era Jan 26th 10 plan 10 of the voters in the seceded states much swear loyalty under oath to the Union focuses on unity not punishment wade Davis bill 1864 the congressional more radical plan for reconstruction 50 of voters have to give oath of loyalty to Union and they never supported the confederacy keeps ex confederate leaders out of power for a while Johnson plan soldiers below cornel get no punishment states must ratify 13th amendment former confederate officials should be allow to hold office after they take loyalty pledge Reconstruction act response of congress urges every southern government to start over formerly confederate states must allow blacks to become citizens allow them to vote radical reconstruction 13th amendment free 14th amendment citizen 15th amendment vote tenure of office act if you need congressional approval to appoint someone you also need our approval to fire them republicans were anti slavery democrats were for it Monday the politics of reconstruction define upfront the definition of success failure Lincoln v Congress radical republicans v Johnson Lincoln moderate republican focuses on unity not on punishing the south only white men could vote 10 of those men needed to take oath would then be allowed to re join the union after abolishment of slavery lets states decide on the citizenship and economic right of ex slaves congress refuses plan Congress on Lincolns plan not harsh enough congress is made up of republicans many radicals Lincoln and Congress while in the same party have may disagreements Proposes the Wade Davis bill way harsher states must abolish slavery property seizures from plantation owners Lincoln pocket veto s Wade Davis Bill April 1865 Lincoln is assassinated leads to Johnson being president Johnson southern democrat basically only S Dem to stay in congress post war sees himself as a working class man isn t a plantation owner hates southern aristocracy as VP very harsh about the south their punishment when he moves into real power adopts a southern mentality also super racist democratic radical republicans are mad about Johnson being in charge he begins pardoning ex confederate leaders Johnson makes plans more lenient as congress fights with him more Swing around he circle tour really failed speaking tour to try to get around congress Impeachment of Andrew Johnson 1868 he is obstructing reconstruction technically impeached for tenure of Office Act his secretary of war Edward Stanson RR November of 68 Grant elected Jan 28th 14th amendment awarded citizenship to many blacks outlined requirements to be an American citizen response to end of civil war 15th amendment last of reconstruction amendments gave blacks the right to vote St Catherine s Island colonized by free blacks freedmen people create their own society schools courts only lasts two years 65 67 Johnson comes and shuts shit down people want their land back The Freedman s Bureau established before war ends close to the end 65 72 to help transition slave men into free life legalize slave marriages help to reconnect families goal to get them farm jobs but not farms jobs but not ownership leads to use of sharecropping way to manage the black labor problem blacks are still in debt to their land lord Sharecropping Black Codes laws set up by states to control freedmen less common in early years more common into reconstruction more common as ex confederates in government constitutional laws but not really vagrancy laws if you re a freedmen in the south you have to be employed John H Reagan north v south mentality doesn t want blacks to vote appealing to whites Thomas Long began to change army culture around balks showed that men regardless of color can support the union 18th amendment temperance prohibition takes of because of the war alcohol is banned cause it is non essential personification of drinkers becomes negative racist Jan 30th The end of reconstruction Lincoln Johnson Grant Grant administration full of scandal Northerners are getting tired of the problem of the south Tilden v Hayes election problem states SC LA FL states still run by republicans commission to tally vote Hayes wins south allow Hayes election require removal of troops from south Violence toward blacks KKK Voter intimidation threats for voting Colfax massacre Louisiana Blacks occupy courthouse to protect democratic win The lost cause myth Southern redeemers group who see it as their goal to redeem the south Jim Crow laws separate but equal plessy v furgeson declares constitutional Did reconstruction actually succeed or fail Feb 2nd failure sharecropping better than slavery but still shitty limits on freedmen racism is still prevalent success although the amendments were passed the struggle to validate them showed many flaws in the American culture government 13th 14th 15th amendments thesis something arguable Although the period of reconstruction brought many difficult battles and hurdles the over arching theme of equality was successful and I believe that this success can be seen in our history write your essays in 1st person the more in depth and supported your thesis is the better example thesis I believe that reconstruction failed because it succeeded in all the wrong ways proof freedman s bureau rule of ex confederates reconstruction was a failure although it ended slavery it encouraged Jim crow laws black codes proof Jim crow laws black codes Eric Foner recon was an unfinished revolution Hist Feb 4th 2015 Just how wild was the wild west Mining in the west most of the gold silver is not reachable by single people industry becomes
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