The Essential Wisdom of Sociology Earl Babbie sociological concepts role interaction structure conflict socialization 1 sui generis existence and reality Durkheim can t understand society fully by only understanding individuals war gun control blacks have 2x infant mortality than whites women earn 60 of what men make possible to study soc scientifically 2 3 autopoiesis society creates itself norms of modern US society were produced by US society 4 5 cultures differ widely across time and space the individual and society are inseparable individual identity is strongly sociogenetic who are we question answered by social statuses ex daughter student athlete etc systems have system needs institutions are inherently conservative the 1st function of any institution is survival 6 7 8 explanatory sociology is implicitly deterministic 9 paradigms are a way of looking at life but not life itself 3 basic sociological paradigms structural functionalism interactionism conflict theory The Credit Card Private Troubles Public Issues Ritzer average savings are slowly decreasing in America most people survive paycheck to paycheck individuals government businesses and banks are equally to blame most of the blame goes towards financial institutions of students w credit cards is rapidly increasing credit cards cigarettes cause both private troubles and public issues the sociological imagination allows is possessor to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the external career of a variety of individuals 3 types of questions what is the structure of this particular society as a whole where does this society stand in human history what varieties of men and women now prevail in this society and in this period The Promise Mills EXAM REVIEW 1 ascribed statues born w ex age race achieved status taken on voluntarily president etc 2 Anthony Giddens society is a cluster or system of institutionalized modes of conduct 3 Emile Durkheim it s through examining social statuses that we can reveal patterns social facts and what society is social institutions foundations of any society complex social forms that produce themselves such as gov ts family human languages universities hospitals etc 5 Peter Berger general in particular general patterns in particular categories of people can do this by examining patterns of behavior of different social statuses ex race etc the suicide belt white men more than 12 x more likely than black women to commit suicide this is due to people s different expectations coping mechanisms roles in society etc higher suicide rate in west not CA due to less opportunity more freedom isolation poverty 4 6 7 Mills we need to think about our own biographies as tied to the history of our society think about who you are as a product of historical conditions of society 8 George Ritzer student loan debt and cost of college tuition is a public issue credit card debt blame on individuals banks businesses and government 9 Earl Babbie sui generis can t understand society by looking individuals reciprocity indiv society are inseparable our identities are our soc statuses we occupy autopoisis society creates itself 10 Durkheim s contribution to the soc perspective social facts 11 society is a cluster of institutions 12 I think credit cards are a public issue
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