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Friday March 11 y Survey about finding Iraq on a map 6 in 10 high school seniors could not find it Stupidity Question posed Are Americans stupid Comedy School Politicians Warn us about failing schools Blue Ribbon Commissions 1 about academic knowledge 2 about locational education are you smarter than a 5th grader American students perform poorly in math science worried that students were not equipped with the knowledge to succeed A Nation at Risk not concerned with students from China worried about the Japanese taking all of our jobs away Back to the 1957 25 years before A Nation at Risk 1 Reaction to Sputnik Atomic bomb made people believe that America was on top with science and math Life magazines contrasts Soviet American high school Friday March 11 y People 60 years ago worried about the Germans English not giving young americans the education they need to be good citizens still being everyone had to get a minimum level of schooling American students have been getting steadily dumber over 170 years what people 50 years earlier said today believe false statement Americans always worried about a stupidity epidemic 1 American students are getting more education than ever before 2 Test scores have been going down classes are harder test scores are actually going up 3 General knowledge 75 can t name the vice president 46 don t know bill of rights 2 50 don t know 5th amendment Americans answers seem to reflect belief instead of knowledge Friday March 11 y 4 IQ Scores median IQ of 100 Issues in Society Flynn effect IQ test go up 3 points every 10 years 1 The more knowledge someone has the greater everybody s ignorance 2 What we need to know keeps changing 3 Expanding access changes the student population 4 We expect a lot from schools leaving school is taking a risk of permanent poverty 5 Scaring people works very well 6 Scaring people about kids works especially well 3

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UD SOCI 201 - Stupidity

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