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Introduction to Sociology SOCI201 Module 2 Socialization and Stratification Chapters 4 8 10 and 11 Socialization Taking uniqueness out and creating a generality Is this pink orange flower masculine or feminine Feminine flowers are feminine and pink represents girlyness How do we know two guys peeing next to each other is wrong weird unwritten etiquette rule Socialization How do you know how to act say at a funeral at a wedding How do you know how to act say when you see a friend crying Why do you believe in the things you believe in Religious beliefs societal beliefs where did they come from How did we learn these things Socialization a process in which we learn and internalize the attitudes values beliefs and norms of our culture and develop a sense of self within that culture Developing a sense of self through these things Culture the learned set of values beliefs norms expectations for behavior and material objects shared by a group of people Western and Eastern cultures different values o Different norms in North and South of the US same with Different norms expectations in different types of classes have East and West coast their own culture Values culturally determined standards of what is good and bad right and wrong desirable and undesirable serve as guidelines for how we should live and what we believe what is morally accepted Social Norms expectations and rules by which a society guides the behavior of its members often defined within the social role Student son daughter brother sister parents workers social roles and these have different norms within these roles Being a daughter is different than being a friend different values Socialization being impacted by these social norms and belief structures robot being impacted impacts attitudes and behaviors In US women perform on average 75 of the housework o Men perform about 20 Which is actually double from a generation ago o WHY Women might work less o Why is this expected Why does it exist Why is this a gender norm Mothers overall spend about 3 times more time with their children in face to face interaction than do fathers o WHY Caring nurturing women biological issue Women give birth biological genetic connection between mothers and children and this connection enhances the desire for Choices men and women make or HAVE TO make in terms of work are part of the reason for this case REMEMBER choices behaviors can be limited barriers to interaction opportunity o Example maternity leave o Pediatrics family practices women because they are more emotional and caring and nurturing o Surgery men But other factor is that many women and men believe that women are naturally better at taking care of children and the home Is this REAL or just what we have been led to believe o Are women really better at taking care of children and housework Are women really better at taking care of children and doing the housework No no biological evidence Office Space Not going to work He s not going to go to work anymore not quitting but just not going anymore break social norm http www youtube com watch v ArVEXmzX5I8 Matrix Explanation of the Matrix http www youtube com watch v frxvwSrertY What we are supposed to believe the world around us we think is real but there is a deeper understanding of what is actually happening to us Society is all around us can always see it and feel it at work church paying taxes world that has been pulled over our eyes to blind us from the truth we are slaves prison for our minds Conflict Theorists argue that most powerful means of social control is convincing people that way society is organize is the way it should be Teaching convincing just the way it is What we are supposed to believe Robots just supposed to believe The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn t exist the usual suspects Hidden in plain sight socialization is Just taken for granted you don t see it o Just going through the motions just doing it The game Life supposed to go to college buy a house etc teaching us social norms this is life The Socially Approved Path Go to school high school then college o Barrier can t afford college based upon socioeconomic status o Certain schools dictate which jobs are available to certain o Social reproduction kids will be in same social strata as Get a job students Get married Buy a house Have some kids parents Work real hard Retired Die What happens if you don t follow this path or skip a step Had kids before you got a job or had kids before college there will be sanctions from friends family and other formal things school work etc Social Psychological Aspects of Socialization George Herbert Mead The Self is Born of Society Drew together a wide range of ideas to help launch the new field of social psychology capacity to mold their society Society may have the power to shape individuals but people also have the Socialization the process by which we internalize the attitudes values beliefs and norms of our culture and develop a sense of self Internalize key part of this o Goal of socialization process is to get us to embrace these attitudes values beliefs and norms as OUR OWN This is what I believe Personality dominant pattern of attitudes feelings and behaviors Concept of Self Mead interaction o Inseparable from society and the norms beliefs values and Personality and concept of self development as a social process o Doesn t happen in a vacuum Concept of self is inseparable from society and social interaction Are you an actor or are you merely being acted upon by socializing against social structures Perhaps reacting Did you shape it yourself Shaped by interactions we were exposed to and exposed ourselves to and what we took part in Binge drinking acting Acted upon as what they saw as valued Genetics probably do play some part in individuals personality characteristics Emotional behavioral attitudinal traits from parents BUT socialization makes a difference in how we interpret those characteristics and incorporate them into our sense of self How your parents educations etc treated you affects those Outgoing child really personable told to be quiet suppressed traits and shaping sense of self that outgoing personality o Girls are more likely to be punished for being loud and rambunctious than are boys social expectation for boys to be rambunctious Can be encouraged to develop other characteristics through exposure to opportunities o High socioeconomic people might have more

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