Wisely s 2620 012 Class Exam 2 Study Guide Exam Date Tuesday April 7 Multiple Choice Matching 20 x 2 points each 40 points total Be familiar with the following terms Immigration Act of 1924 Prohibition Peace Without Victory Zimmerman Telegram Four Minute Men League of Nations Committee on Unemployment Relief Reconstruction Finance Corporation 21st Amendment Glass Steagall Act 1933 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Securities Exchange Act Civilian Conservation Corps Agricultural Adjustment Act Home Owners Loan Act Tennessee Valley Authority Works Progress Administration Social Security Administration National Youth Administration National Labor Relations Act Korematsu v United States Neutrality Act of 1937 Destroyers for Bases 1940 Lend Lease Act 1941 Hiroshima Taft Hartley Act of 1947 Baby Boom Joseph McCarthy Containment Deterrence IDs 5 x 10 points each 50 points total For each ID fully define the term answering the who what when and where about it Then give its larger significance Another way of thinking about this is to include context who when where definition what and significance why do we care It is helpful to use signals such as This was significant because when giving the significance These answers need to be in complete sentences not just bullet points Be as specific as possible On the exam you will choose SIX 6 of the following possibilities 1 Lusitania 2 Fordism 3 Harlem Renaissance 4 Dr Francis Townsend 5 Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 6 D Day 7 Servicemen s Readjustment Act of 1944 8 Loyalty Check Program 9 Kennan and Novikov Telegrams 10 Truman Doctrine 11 Sputnik 12 NSC 68 ESSAY 1 x 50 points Choose ONE of the following essay questions and answer it FULLY and in depth to the best of your ability Be sure to address each portion of the question Use specific information in your answers Points will not be deducted for ignorance of standard English spelling and grammar rules however if the grader cannot understand the points you are trying to make it will not be possible for that writing to earn a high grade This includes legibility It really is in your best interests to make the grading easy for the grader The essay needs to be as long as it takes for you to FULLY answer the question There is no set minimum or maximum number of pages HOWEVER these questions cannot be fully answered in just a couple of lines Also do not simply drop names as though we know that you know who these people or places or things are Be sure to define everything Write the essay as though you are explaining the answer to someone who did not take this course and who therefore may not know what you re talking about 1 What was Herbert Hoover s philosophy with regard to helping the nation overcome the Great Depression How did Hoover respond to the Depression What programs did Hoover initiate in response to the Depression need to list at least 2 specific programs and what they did What was FDR s philosophy with regard to helping the nation overcome the Great Depression How did FDR respond to the Depression What programs did FDR initiate in response to the Depression need to list at least 3 specific programs and what they did Whose response was more successful Hoover had worked ceaselessly trying to fix the economy He founded government agencies encouraged labor harmony supported local aid for public works fostered cooperation between government and business in order to stabilize prices and struggled to balance the budget His work focused on indirect relief from individual states and the private sector as reflected in this letter s emphasis on support ing each state committee more effectively and volunteerism appeal ing for funds from outside the government His belief was to cut taxes which would give consumers more income to use and to revive investment and that hard work private and state relief organizations and business leadership would end the slump He also believed in voluntarism Hawley Smoot Tariff of 1930 imposed heavy taxes on food imports to help burdened farmers Emergency Relief Act authorized the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to extend loans to the struggling states FDR he was better than hoover New Deal The Securities Act of 1933 requires that any offer or sale of securities using the means and instrumentalities of interstate commerce be registered with the SEC pursuant to the 1933 Act first major federal legislation to regulate the offer and sale of securities Federal Emergency Relief Adminstrartion government established a series of massive new public employment schemes mainly aimed at improving roads bridges and other infrastructure Civilian Conservation Corps provided work and training for 600 hundred thousand young men to work in national parks and wilderness areas 2 In both World War I and II Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt respectively tried to keep the U S from becoming involved directly in the war for as long as possible Compare the steps towards involvement and the mobilization efforts for each war Were lessons learned in WWI applied to the situation surrounding WWII Which man better prepared the U S for the war and the world after the war 3 Examine the ways U S Cold War policy evolved during the period between 1945 and 1968 Who were the leading proponents of each plan how were the policies implemented and what were the results Explain how the Cold War and its events affected domestic issues
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