THE TROJAN WAR LEADING UP TO THE WAR Leda wife of Tyndareus Tyndareus king of Sparta Zeus comes to Leda as a swan rapes her out comes 2 eggs one has 2 sons in it Polydeuces Zeus Castor Thyndareus one has 2 daughters in it Helen Zeus Clytemnestra Thyndareus The Discuri sons of Zeus Great heroes of Rome Polydeuces Pollux immortal Castor mortal gets killed in quarrel Poly prays to Zeus asking to die in brother place both alive live together alternating days between earth hades Clytemnestra Agamemnon Mycenaean saga kill Aga be with Aesgisthus Helen beautiful woman marry Menelaus king of Sparta have daughter Hermione While Men away Crete Paris Alexander Trojan Prince comes to Sparta takes her back to Troy w him Leaders of Troy Dardanus son of Electra Zeus Laomedon great grandson of Daranus king of Troy Priam king of Troy has 100 kids married to Hecuba Paris prince of troy son of Priam Hecuba steals Helen Hector prince of troy son of Priam brother of Paris greatest Trojan hero Andromache wife of Hector Prophecy that son of Hecuba will bring about the destruction of Troy Paris was exposed rescued became shepherd Peleus son of Aeacus king of Aegina exiled b c of virtue Zeus marry him to Thetis Thetis has prophecy that her son will be greather than his father Eris uninvited brought apple that leads to judg of Paris TW Achilles son of Peleus Thetis young age Thetis try to make immortal most parts of his body are except heel where T held him Chiron centaur teacher Chiron teach Achilles art of music fighting etc Has 2 fates grow old in hometown Theia have a long not glorious life OR have a short glorious life and be great warrior of Troy Thetis disguises him as a girl takes him to island of Scyros to be raised by daughters Lycomedes King of Scyros disguised exposed has to go fight in Troy Paris Alexander rapes Helen carriers her off to Troy with him xenia TROJAN WAR TROJAN WAR Greeks Achaeans VS Trojans Achaean leaders Menelaus king of Sparta wants Helen back Agamemnon king of Mycenae brother of Menelaus chief general Diomedes king of Argos Nestor king of Pylos old man Ajax the Greater king of Salamis Ajax the Lesser prince of Locris Odysseus king of Ithaca clever Achilles prince of Myrmidons greatest Achaean warrior Phoenix tutor of Achilles old man Patroclus companion of Achilles sometimes Achilles lover Trojan Warriors Hector Paris Helenus prince of troy oracle Deiphobus prince of troy Aeneas member of royan Trojan horse Lycians Glaucus Sarpedon become friends stop fighting Amazons Ethiopians Meeting Aulis sacrifice of Iphigenia Philocteses abandoned inherit Heracles bow arrows only w aid of Heracles b a could Troy be captured Troilos son of Priam Hecuba first to die slain by Achilles THE ILLIAD Homer 750 BCD Not exhaustive war goes on for 10 years 9 yr stalemate Illiad only focuses on 10 th year Themes Achilles wrath Ar te Battle between gods men Arete excellence esp in war Aristeia powerful moments ex warrior go into battle and kill everyone Womens ar te excellence Andromache virtuous model of greek wife Time honor Gerata war booty Kleos lasting fame reputation Menin anger wrath The conflict Agamemnon vs Achilles Chryseis Agamemnon s captive war booty Chryses Chryseis father priest of Apollo Briseis captive of Achilles Achilles love interest Agamemnon is told he has to give Chryseis back Chryses prays to Apollo Apollo unleashes plague Eventually he has to give her back so he takes Briseis from Achilles Ac loved her and becomes angry withdraws from fighting shoes ar te Gods Battles Troy Theomachy battle between gods Trojan side Apollo Aphrodite Ares Artemis Achaean side Hera Athena Poseidon Thetis Zeus neutral 2 Trojan Couples Paris Helen Hector Andomache Battle btwn Menelaus Paris Men win P saved by Aphrodite Aphrodite keep getting them together while Helen she favors H w P Andromache loyal noble woman of Troy Astyanax son of Hector Hector greatest of Trojan warriors after Ach H have sad farewell to fam Agamemnon attempts to reconcile w Ach offers Briseis back Phoenix old tutor also tries to persuade Achilles feels Aga is undermining his kleos doesn t take B back allows Patroclus to use his armor Paroclus kills everyone including Sarpedon son of Zeus Zeus upset tears come down as blood Hector assisted by Apollo kills Paroclus takes his armor TURNING POINT Achilles wrath over death of friend gets back in fighting Has no armor Thetis gets Hephaestus to make new better armor Athena takes form of Deophobus brother of Hector and Hector realizes gods are against him Achilles kills Hector drags corpse around for 12 days corpse was refreshed by Apollo daily horrible fate Funeral games for Patroclus Priam ransoms for Hector s body to be returned to Troy funeral Archaeology of Troy Turkey Heinrich Schleimann s discovery of Troy After funeral for Hector Amazons come led by Penthesilea killed by Achilles fell in love before killed her Death of Achilles Fatally wounded in heel by arrow shot by Paris w Apollo s help Odysseus Ajax the greater fight for armor Odysseus gets it Ajax kills himself After Achilles dies Ody captures Helenus tells how they could capture city Summon Neoptolemus Philoctetes Philoctetes uses Heracles arrows to kill Paris Neoptolemus son of Achilles slaughters Priam at alter Trojan Horse Epeus build hollow wooden horse All impt soldiers hide in it Odysseus center Sinon captive left behind tells that horse is sacrifice to Athena must be brought inside walls Cassandra prophetic daughter of Priam Hecuba fortold the truth Laco n son of Antenor priest of Apollo tries to destroy horse night while Trojans slept Sinon opened the horse and released the Greeks Other Greeks that left for Tenedos sailed back helped Everyone was killed city burned Cassandra became slave for Aga both killed by Clym NEXT Ody return nostoi Odyssey THE ODYSSEY Homer 750 BCE CHARACTERS Books 1 4 Telemacheia journey of Telemachos Books 5 8 Wanderings to court of Alcino s Books 9 12 Flashback Odysseus as storyteller Stories of Alkino s Books 13 24 end of wanderings at beginning of 13 Ithica Odysseus Greek hero Troy husband of Penelope father of Telemachus cunning clever Telemachus Odysseus s son baby when Ody left now 20yrs old maturation subplot of the play assisted by Athena Penelope Wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus has suitors stays loyal to Odysseus Athena Daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom purposeful battle and the womanly arts assists Odysseus and Telemachus Poseidon God of the sea angry with
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