Lecture notes Audiences 6 2 1 Audience centered Think about the audiences a Don t be Ethnocentric your ideas are superior b Don t Pander Change with the whims of the audience 2 Listening We only remember 50 of what we hear a Hearing a biological process b Listening Making a conscious effort to hear giving thoughtful attention to what you hear and understanding it 3 Components of listening a Hear physically being able to hear b Attend Choosing to attend to listen c Understand d Remember Making mental connections 4 Functions of Listening a Information Reception b Empathy c Criticism Discrimination d Others Affirmation Understanding Retention Feeling what the speaker is feeling Critical listening 5 Types of listening a Discriminative Looking for hidden information facts i Often with negative connotation ii Ex When listening to political speakers understanding b Comprehensive i Ex In your classes c Appreciative To enjoy i Ex With Music d Empathetic to show you care i Ex With your Friends e Critical to evaluate the message 6 Barriers to Listening a Hearing Problem b Amount of input Cognitive overload c Personal concerns d Rapid thoughts e Noise 7 Poor listening habits a Pseudo Listening imitation of the real thing b Stage Hogging Only interested in listening so it can be your turn to speak c Defensive listening taking innocent comments as personal attacks 8 Tips to help remember a Organization b Association Connect information to each other c Visualization d Repetition Persuasion 6 9 1 Argument Articulation of a position with supporting evidence and reason 2 Monroe s Motivated Sequence influencing people s attitudes beliefs values and behaviors a Attitude Our general evaluation of things b Beliefs The way we perceive reality c Value Enduring beliefs about what is right and wrong 3 Parts of MMS a Attention b Need State the problem and why we should focus on it c Satisfaction The solution i Statement ii Illustration iii Ramifications iv Pointing i Explain ii Demonstration iii Examples iv Meet Objections See into the future d Visualization i Positive ii Negative iii Contrast e Action Tell us what to do 4 Ethical Speeches a Persuasion Reaching the desired ends with honest means The faculty of observing in given case with the available means of persuasion Aristotle b Herbermas Spheres of influence i Strategic communication is challenged by creating understanding c Elaboration likelihood Model We process information centrally or Peripherally i Centrally Giving thoughtful consideration to the ideas and content 1 Straightforward 2 Complete 3 High level 4 Actually cares about topic 5 Subject must have substance ii Peripheral Persuaded by outside factors not just information 5 Factors for Ethical Speeches what is being said a Context Equal Opportunity Critical Receivers Free of Agendas i b Agent whom is saying speech i Takes situation seriously appeals to the best in people c Receiver who is listening to the speech i Informed about important topics ii Know your own biases iii Aware of methods of persuasion 6 Credibility and Integrity a Aggressiveness the other person not the argument and the other party does too b Enlightened Self Interest Winning by inflicting psychological pain by attacking Knowing that we have a goal of the argument 7 Fallacious Reasoning a Dishonesty b Lies deliberate attempt to hide distort information i Reasons to lie 1 Save face 2 Avoid Tension 3 Guide Social Interaction 4 Affect interpersonal relationships 5 Personal power c Pistos Proof 8 Ethos Character of the speaker a Initial What you walk up with b Derived What happens during your speech c Terminal How your speech ends 10 Ground rules for Ethical Fitness 9 Ethical Fitness a Credibility b Integrity c Civility a Trustworthiness b Respect c Responsibility d Fairness e Caring f Citizenship a Appeals to Emotions needs desires b Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs 11 Pathos 12 Logos a Appeals to logic and Reason b Types of Logos appeals i Syllogism Major premise obvious statement Minor Premise extension of major premise Conclusion Based on Major and Minor ii Enthymeme We fill in the blanks Missing one of the three syllogism parts Special Occasion Speeches 6 9 1 Types of SO agenda a Entertaining celebrating Commemorative inspiring setting a social 2 SO Speech Short commemorative speech which uses language to bring speech to life effectively using a manuscript a Employs imagery b Stylistic devices Paints a picture with your words i Anaphora Repeating key words ii Antithesis Opposites within one sentence iii Alliteration Repeating a consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words iv Assonance Alliteration but with vowel sounds v Personification vi Simile Metaphor Avoid overused speech c Fresh Language d Vary Rhythm e Humor Book Notes Chapter 16 Using Language 1 Style is the specific word choices and rhetorical devices speakers use to express their ideas 2 Prepare your speeches for the ear a Strive for Simplicity use familiar words and avoid Jargon b Repetition is key add emphasis for important ideas Adds rhythm c Use personal pronouns makes your argument more personal and drama draws the listener in 3 Chose Concrete Words and Vivid Imagery a Concrete words Words that are specific tangible and definite i Avoid weak and mundane verbs b Use Figures of Speech Making comparisons between the unfamiliar with the familiar however they can be misleading i Simile comparisons using like or as ii Metaphor Comparing something a actually being another iii Analogy An extended metaphor or smile 4 Choose words that build Credibility Language that is appropriate accurate assertive and respectful a Use Words Appropriately i Use words whose meaning is clear and your use is appropriate for your audience b Use words accurately i Beware of Malapropisms the incorrect uses of a word or phrase in place of one that sounds like it 1 It s a strange receptacle for It s a strange Spectacle c Use an Active Voice i Voice the feature of verbs that indicates the subject s relationship to the action 1 Active Voice When the subject performs the action a Ms Carlos announced the test for Monday 2 Passive Voice When the subject is the receiver of the action Monday a A test was announced by Ms Carlos for 5 Use Culturally Gender sensitive Language a Avoid colloquial expressions idioms i Specific saying to certain groups of people ii Can easily be misunderstood by your audience 6 Use words that leave a lasting impression a Anaphora repeating a word or phrase at the
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