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SCENES Bolt wars battle of control over cliffs Retro bolting the practice of adding bolts to established climbing routes People find meaning within particular social worlds Gothic Lolita not common Japanese style dressing up like dolls Haight Ashbury San Francisco Center of hippie culture runaways bare feet long hair shelters clinics Red Hat Society celebrate life Doctors Republicans People spending a lot of time in groups or scenes Focus groups one time gatherings diverse or similar different attitudes toward a subject Families enduring connections hard to get rid of Gangs or Friends together for a while Urban Geography groups located in middle of the city Sun city AZ 50 or older no children Ethnic Neighborhoods china town italian america Age Leisure Scenes clubs bars SOCIAL WORLDS Howard S Becker sociologist or jazz musician smoked weed wrote a book called Art Worlds includes artists galleries museums critics stores that supply artists factories a whole world that supports the artist Segmentation civil war reenactors dress up like civil war soldiers wanted something more realistic very specific Hardcore reenactor committed to authenticity ate real civil war food Farbs don t take reenacting seriously not authentic over time there is segmentation Barbershop quartet romanticized vision of the past Buffalo Bills old songs competitions conferences Vocal Spectrum modernizing barbershop look different different more modern songs youth Traditionalists recoil barbershop quartet preservation society new kids are doing it wrong they want it to stop LEGITIMATION Mass Society eventually going to be a society of faceless clones magazines targeted toward everyone

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