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Suicide The Werther Effect explains that people commit suicide because they are imitating other suicides We think of suicide as a psychological issue Suicide is a social phenomenon Japan considers it an honorable death People who failed or committed crimes were allowed to kill them selves instead of letting the state do it for them Medal of Honor intentionally sacrifice himself in order to protect oth ers Group Activity Jonestown Heaven s Gate Killed themselves so they would be picked up by aliens Sociology is an invention during the Industrial Revolution 18th Century Shift of societies based on agriculture Agriculture becomes more efficient during the Industrial Revolution people began working in factories instead of agriculture Sociology is the science of society Population decided the power of the nation Political arithmetic calculated the amount of people in a society sta Constitution stated that the country would conduct a senses every 10 tistics years this would count population Emile Durkheim French Book called Suicide study suicide scientifically used death records in Europe took suicide rates of all over the world social integration social solidarity different kinds of suicide Egoistic Anomic Altruistic Catholics are more reluctant to suicide because they view it as a sin Protestant is more individualistic lower solidarity and low integration social solidarity effects suicide Suicide rate differs depending on where you live Group with highest suicide rate is geriatrics Gender with highest suicide rates is males Race with highest suicide rate is whites Suicide rates are going down Anomic Suicide Mostly in Men More isolated because you lose social connections through work low social integration Women have many social relationships High social integration Altruistic Suicide Give up your life to save other people High social solidarity Deductive Reasoning theory hypothesis observation confirmation Inductive Reasoning observation pattern tentative hypothesis theory Self inflicted deaths can be accidental autoerotic asphyxiation Rise in Black Teen Suicide Post traumatic slavery syndrome Black families who have left largely minority communities have lost the traditional supports White kids do it so they want to do it too If elected a coroner in the south you are considered an undertaker has to decide if it was accidental or intentional

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UD SOCI 201 - Suicide

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