BODIES meanings are social We think of bodies as biological skeletons bodies differ positive judgement negative Ethnocentrism meaning your standards are everyone s standards universal everyone is ethnocentric Body standards vary from place to place Paleolithic venus figures From Europe about 25 000 years ago Large women Many cultures consider that being heavier is a good thing sign of wealth and prosperity most cultures having more weight is desirable Reubenesque Larger women paintings French postcards early erotic photos Gibson girls turn of the century icons very thin waist John Held s flappers very thin look anorexic In Africa Asia large women are celebrated fat is valued when it symbolizes wealth and leisure Queens Jane Austen s women respectable women but not rich looking for wealthy husbands wear bonnets because they don t want to be tan if tan it showed you worked outside and were poor loss of respect In many famous nude paintings women were pale Now being tan is a sign that we don t have to work have time to get outside leisure which means tan lines are sexy leads to fake tanning Thorstein Veblen famous for writing the sarcastic book The Theory Of The Leisure Class conspicuous consumption consume things that demonstrate your wealth dogs horses were status symbol high maintenance women would have elaborate hairstyles proves that you aren t doing anything useful not work servants status men carry walking stick ing powdered wig high waist look old sign of age wise Today old people wear clothes to make them look younger One s body can be changed medical modification Can look at bodies at achievements Tattoos suggested lower status Marlboro cigarettes used to be for women ad with man holding cigarette with a tattoo Tattoos were signs of criminality Now tattoos are respectable artistic Bodies become social problems obesity standards shift desirable healthy weight In 1998 the federal gov redefined the BMI range for normal weight Anorexia is also a problem pro ana sites celebrate anorexia Erving Goffman book called The Presentation Of Self In Everyday Life dramaturgical perspective all life can be seen as a theatrical perfor mance aspects of performance appearance demeanor speech etc Theater front backstage regions what people see what they don t see Home front back regions living room bedrooms tucked away Work front back office Teams that put on performances family members co workers celebrities Embarrassment from failure to manage one s appearance sense where you have been found out in your performance failed in your performance People use their bodies to get where they want to be in the world World we live in has been made for us by other people according to Product of society where you make yourself look desirable according to their standards society
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