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A 1 4 5 6 7 8 Sex Weinberg argues that people at nudist camps have rules to help maintain a sense of modesty Alfred Kinsey specialty was gall wasp conducted interviews about sex interviewed homosexuals prisoners working class led a team of researchers Books Sexual Behavior In The Human Male premarital sex was common masturbation common homosexuals common 10 of people were homosexual for a period of 3 years 2 In The Human Female Masters Johnson hooked people up with monitors and made them have sex 3 Random Sex has a religiously relevant forbidden activity if sex is natural why do we need instructions why are there rules is marriage about love Religion Law Meaning of marriage romantic love religious sacrament God approves law legal status legal rights responsibilities Incest Gender Ages Afghanistan totally appropriate to date someone extremely older younger than yourself Multiple Wives Attitudes Change 9 Sexting 1967 US Supreme Court struck down interracial prohibition is sexting a form of distributing child pornography should people caught sexting be registered as sex offenders if you make or distribute pictures of underage people it is viewed as child pornography Norm norm is a rule 10 Missionary Position Thomas Aquinas The appropriate position for sex more likely to cause conception gravity less animalistic less lustful 11 12 13 Legitimacy laws regarding the couple who gets what Inheritance Burusera teenage girls could go to the shop take off underwear and sell to store owner so men could buy underwear 14 John Brinkley 15 Sexual scripts 16 Dating scripts sold goat testicles for pleasure how you conduct sexual behavior how you would call ask out a woman too fast the woman wasn t regulated

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