CLT 3370 Notes Part I 8 21 11 11 33 PM Zeus raised by nymphs Mt Dicte Myth as ritual and vice versa Clashing of the swords spears against shields to hide Zeus Rhea Gaia and Thetis help Zeus Give Chronos an emetic potion makes him puke Titianomachy war with the Titians Olympians versus the Titians Olympians win Younger better o Thetis and Prometheus fight for Zeus both Titians and have foresight o Stalemate until Zeus receives help from Gaia Use the Hecatonkires against the Titians Zeus punishes the Titians Majority Tartarus Hecatonkires guard them Atlas Must hold the world up Description of Tartarus pg 722 in 8th edition recommend the old book because the only difference is the pictures are in color in the new one Oaths by Styx are unbreakable even for the gods Giantomachy Fighting the giants Stack mountains to try to get to the gods Eventually lose 7 wives of Zeus Hera is the last but she isn t the last woman he sleeps with Birth of Heroes and Villains The complicated creation of humans Created during rule of Cronos o Not clear why or by whom o Generally Prometheus Man Zeus Woman Works and Days by Hesiod Tone Starts spiteful then didactic Poem to Hesiod s brother Perses telling him how he should live his life Lines 1 105 Prometheus and Pandora Lines 106 201 5 ages of man o Gold Silver Bronze Heroes not mentioned in Ovid Iron Choice at Mecone Theogony lines 535 546 personal use only Etiological Myth Zeus versus Prometheus o Who gets what part of the animals when they are sacrificed o Prometheus tricks Zeus into choosing fat and bones leaving behind the meat for humans Punishment o Man Zeus withholds fire from o Prometheus says there will be no sacrifices without fire o Prometheus steals fire and brings to humans Severely punished chained to a rock and eagle eats out his liver daily Woman Pandora created to punish man Pandora Theogony lines 570 616 o Name means all gifts o Woman not necessarily evil herself Works and Days lines 82 120 o Pandora given a pithos a jar NOT a box o Zeus sends her to Epimetheus Name means after thought o Curiosity overwhelms Pandora opens the box All the evils come out only hope remains in the box what is the meaning of this No real answer Prometheus Bound Aeschylus Revolutionary tragedian actor interacting with the chorus After 480BCE Athens sacked and burned 1st in a trilogy remaining 2 fractured and lost o Prometheus Unbound o Prometheus the Fire Bringer Archetypes Carl Jung o Zeus Tyrant represents Xerxes o Prometheus Trickster represents the Greeks Location of action outside thepolis Hesiod versus Aeschylus Hero o Hesiod Zeus o Aeschylus Prometheus personal use only Villain o Hesiod Prometheus o Aeschylus Zeus Metamorphoses Ovid Opening statement book I Main conflict Brains versus brawn will show up A LOT o Intention is to tell of bodies changed to different forms with a poem from start to present day Roman founders changed to gods o Apotheosis Themes and morals Nearly completed before exile in 8CE Creation and Ages of man versus Theogony Hesiod Lycaon Metamorphoses book I King of Arcadia and an evil man o People of Arcadia call themselves the Lukaio o Zeus travels to meet him Because mankind is corrupt and he wants to see if rumors are true Test and punishment o Lycaon decides to test Zeus Will kill Zeus in his sleep or try Major violation of hospitality Tries to feed Zeus human flesh for dinner o Zeus turns Lycaon into a wolf Burns down Lycaon s house Cursed to roam countryside forever explains lonely The flood howl of a wolf Gets Posiden s help doesn t want to use fire because he doesn t want Olympus to catch fire and burn too Prometheus warns son Deucalion and niece Pyrrha about the coming floods tells to build boat Boat lands on Mt Parnassus near Delphi personal use only Themis goddess o Pray to goddess and give thanks for their survival o Told to throw bones of their mother over their shoulder to repopulate the earth in this case their mother is Gaia the earth and her bones are rocks Zeus allows them to live because he sees potential good in humans Hestia Vesta Zeus s sister First child of Chronos and Rhea Hearth fire Rome and the Vestal Virgins mystery religion o More important in Rome than Greece o Sworn off sex of all kinds also Vesta is a virgin goddess one o 6 12 elite qualified aged 6 10 when going in priestesses for of three 30 years May marry and have families also after leaving If they mess up they get buried alive Do so that there is no accountability the gods will save them if they re innocent Hera Juno Zeus s sister and final wife Queen of the gods Goddess of marriages and childbirth Jealousy and wrath qualities she is known for o Targets the females that Zeus chases after Zeus Jupiter Son of Chronos and Rhea Youngest of the Titians King of the Gods man whore because extends power God of thunder and lightning male sky god and female earth goddess theme Protector of the guest host relationship o Any Greek speaking travelers may stay anywhere in Greece Decree of Zeus Called Philoxenia aka Xenia Ixion Pindar Pythian Odes Metamorphosis book II lines 21 48 Kindred bloodshed and miasma pollution happens when people do bad things brought upon whole families personal use only Ritual pontification by someone more powerful o Ixion pardoned by Zeus o Later hits on Hera this really pisses her off complains to Zeus Nephele and hubris o Cloud version of Hera o Ixion takes Nephele in Zeus s bead and brags about having slept with hera o Zeus finds out and casts him into Tartarus Attached to a turning fire wheel forever Centaurs child of Nephele and Ixion o He mated with mares female horeses to create the centaur race personal use only CLT 3370 Notes Part II 8 21 11 11 33 PM Ixion continued from previous lecture Centaurs Child of Nephele and Ixion o Mates with mares to create the centaur race Represent the reverse of Greek culture Also not Greeks Jupiter Zeus and Io Metamorphosis book I o Inachus father of Io worrying about daughter o Argus guy with 100 s of eyes watched Io because Juno Hera made him after she suspects him sleeping around o Jupiter s pity Orders Mercury to kill Argus Mercury trickster brain versus brawn Has the ability to bring sleep Ajax versus Odysseus Metamorphosis 1 3 is another example of the brains versus brawn theme Pan and Syrinx Syrinx nymph of Artemis turns into reads Pan god of Satyrs overcome by Syrinx s beauty and tries to have sex with her o Part man part goat part monkey o Ithyphallic erect penis o Pan s pipe
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