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Significance of Vietnam Longest war in History U S won tactical military victories but lost the strategic war War opened a deep political divide in American Society First Indochina War Struggle between Viet Minh and French of who was going to control the country viet led my Ho Chi Minh Vietnam gained advanced in pushing the French out of the country and once the French were defeated the Geneva Accords were signed and the French left their colonies in Indochina also it split Vietnam in Half between North and South 2nd Red Scare Senator Joseph McCarthy Bay of pigs U S Trying to overthrow Castro failed because Castro knew that he was under constant threat of U S invasion Nukes Kennedy claimed that this was a great political victory most intense moment of the civil war Watergate during Nixons campaign 5 men broke into the Watergate hotel and stole documents along with planted listening devices that were found by a security guard but no one was arrested Security and exchange commission Reform to regulate and prevent abuse to the stock market raised margin range regulated all stock markets Yalta conference Churchhill Stalin Roosevelt were leaders in this U S would help any non communism nation stop the spread of soviet union and communism first time U S openly restricted the Soviet Union and it led to the Marshall Plan and Nato Marshall Plan U S helped 16 nations come back from all the destruction of WW2 Nato North Atlantic Treaty organization 12 western nations that would get together and form a defense if anything tried to break off alliance to prevent war Bonus Army Vets from Vietnam war went to DC to demand they get their bonuses now instead of later and Hoover was worried about this because the men were sleeping in the streets and scaring others so he send Douglas Macarthur to take care of this and used too much force but drove them out of DC Causes of depression too much production and not enough purchasing unemployment too high more widgets farm depression Balanced budget one that income and outgoes are pretty close Federal Gov policy Depression and panics are not the governments business Civilian conservation crops provides relief by giving men jobs to help do things around the town 1st new deal relief reform recovery softened depression but didn t end it 2nd new deal focus more on reform Tennessee Valley Authority rebuild the lower parts of the economy and it would boost the whole economy so they gave men jobs building dams Coughlin s plan Nationalize banks Long s Plan end depression and redistribute wealth Townsend s plan Help the elderly and give them 200 a month and if they spent it they would get the same the next month and plus it would money into the economy Work s project administration provided jobs for those that needed it put money into the economy Tripe A farmers were being paid to cut production scandal Teapot dome was a dome that had petroleum under it and was suppose to be saved for the navy when they needed it and the secretary of interior Albert Fall was suppose to protect it but instead he let companies make profit off of it and he went to jail because it leaked out to the newspapers Red scare sudden panic among Americans about the danger of political foreigners and radicals violent labor strikes radicals trying to overthrow the government Sacco and Vanzetti 2 radicals accused of bank roll robbery and were both found guilty and executed but later on this was re looked at and found that Vanzetti was actually not guilty but Sacco probably was Scope s trial Tennessee school teacher that taught evolution in school and Tennessee was very against that so 2 big lawyers Bryan and Darrow took the case and Scopes was found guilty but he later on repealed the case and won Crash happens quickly Depression happens over a long period of time Tariff policy putting a high tariff on foreign goods but Europe did the same thing back so American producers didn t make much Domino Theory in the cold war once one nation turned into communism the next nation would too Pearl harbor Japanese attacked Americans and the only reason the Americans recovered so quickly is because the Japanese didn t mess with their petroleum tanks or get their air crafts Mao Tse Tung the actual China when at first they though Kai Shek was the real china Berlin Aircraft bringing supplies to Berlin by many aircrafts in a supply line and the British helped too successful Battle of The bulge Ardennes Germans advanced forward 70 miles and it was in the shape of a buldge Americans allowed Soviet Union to capture Berlin because they had already lost a lot of men WW2 German Nazi invasion of Poland to take over French and British declared war on Germans Japanese had brought America into it because of the attack on pearl harbor meant to cripple the navy Ngo Dinh Diem Republic of South Vietnam criticized but was the only was able to keep things together Eisenhower supported him but was assassinated eventually by Kennedy Administration Third International Organization created in the Soviet Union that was used to help prevent communism around the World Causes of the crash buying on Margin Thought economy was stronger when it wasn t wild speculation that the price of stock would go up NRA meant to help recovery stand point fewer jobs but Labor unions still had section 7A so companies wouldn t interfere with their things National liberation front Political vs Military actions based off of Mao Start of 2nd Indochina war Dien Bien Phu French defeat led to Geneva conference Vietnam surround the French and the French surrenders War under Johnson U S strategy of graduated response search and destroy international relations war at it s peak focused more on domestic issues

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