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Monday February 8 y Public Speaking Assignments Sept 12 30 second prose Sept 14 main points handout is on canvas Oct 31 speech Speech outline plug your ideas into this format Intro what you re talking about why they should listen why you re qualified to talk about it Attention getter reveal topic listener relevance credibility preview statement Transition Body first main pt sub pt 1 Monday February 8 y cite 3 bolded If you have an A you need to have a B 2nd point 3rd point transition Conclusion restate main point summary clincher Bibliography LECTURE 1 9 10 18 60 80 of people have a degree of fear of public speaking communication apprehension the fear anxiety associate with real or anticipated communication with others Trait like anxiety in all situations State like anxiety in certain situations Dealing with comm apprehension systematic desensitization gradually desensitizing someone to something cognitive restructuring changing the way we think Helps when our anxiety is situationally associated skills building practicing and gaining skills primary focus hyper communication failure to prepare cause of overconfidence 2 Monday February 8 y tactical breathing inhale through the nose 4 count hold for 4 exhale for 4 through mouth Unconscious incompetencies things were doing wrong that we are not aware of goal is to turn that into conscious incompetencies conscious competencies and finally into unconscious competencies LECTURE 2 9 17 18 Communication the process of sending and receiving verbal and non verbal messages to create shared meaning issa dynamic process sender and receiver are continuously forming sending and receiving messages Messages made of up of verbal and nonverbal messages verbal words we use nonverbal signals send through hands face eyes 67 93 of communication is non verbal Communication contexts interpersonal interpersonal impersonal small group CMC public intercultural mass its a spectrum Intrapersonal communication with one s self Interpersonal communication between people with an identifiable relationship 3 Monday February 8 y family friends Impersonal communication about general topics strangers elevator talk small group communication that occurs in groups of 3 10 to accomplish a goal serve a need could be most difficult context multiple senders receivers forced Computer Mediated Communicaiton communication that occurs when using technology that facilitates communication and interactive sharing through networks email texting etc new to us lot of Fakenews out there Whats real gotta be careful Public Communication communicating to an audience of 10 or more public speaking is a form of this Intercultural Communication Communication that occurs whenever two or more people from different cultures interact Mass 4 Monday February 8 y communication produced and transmitted via media to large audiences twitter nudes articles Content and Delivery content words we use delivery how we convey those words Methods styles of Delivery Impromptu speaking with limited preparation usually not given a lot of time to think ideas don t flow as well we forget shit Manuscript speaking from a manuscript written out in its entirety we can plan it out and write everything we need might sound mechanical no opportunity to adjust to feedback Memorized speaking a full manuscript from memory like manuscript but memorized we can make eye contact but is it real Extemporaneous speaking form an outline after careful research and preparation takes some time practice and research to get right 5 Monday February 8 y sounds spontaneous but is also organized and coherent MLK Jr I Have a Dream best example 4 Things to Consider Our Audience Gotta make sure your speech is audience centered Audience centered taking into account the needs attitudes and values of our audience Our Content informative speech 3 sources Our Structure Macro Structure Intro Body Conclusion A speech needs a head a body and feet without all three elements the speech is incomplete Aristotle Our Delivery Delivery the way we communicate out message orally and visually through our use of voice face and body conveyed through the non verbal channel effective delivery is LISTENER centered Natural enthusiastic calm direct Principles o Nonverbal Communication It is inevitable you can t avoid it everything can be seen as a message 6 Monday February 8 y it is culturally and situationally bound depends on the situation nonverbal cues are believed audience is going to believe the nonverbal cues over verbal cues nonverbal cues are seldom isolation we normally convey messages through several channels simultaneously LECTURE 3 9 24 18 Types of Nonverbal cues Proxemics the way in which space and distance communicate close talker from seinfeld using space to speak at a comfortable distance 12 18 inches Chronemics the meanings we attach to time arriving with enough time to set up and get grounded informative speech is 4 5 minutes Appearance professional appearance and neat grooming convey credibility consider audience and occasion consider topic and purpose serious topics require formal dress take into account physical and dental hygiene Eye Contact the most expressive source of nonverbal communication at our disposal 90 is the goal or just be comfortable with audience eye contact Body Language the body communicates in several ways 7 Monday February 8 y facial expressions tend to be natural and spontaneous gestures use them to your advantage avoid involuntary gestures posture good posture confidence credibility motivated movement new car people on tv specific intentional movement that emphasizes our points let it be natural not too stiff still Voice paralanguage all the elements of voice other than the words themselves vocal quality what distinguishes your voice from others rate speed at which the speech is given volume level of loudness pitch level of highness lowness of voice pronunciation how a word sounds and what parts are stressed enunciation the act of speaking clearly all elements of vocal quality and stress pausing don t fill space with um or shit like that silent pausing is a powerful tool Conversational style always practice out loud Introductions and conclusion primacy recency effect we are more likely to remember the first and last items conveyed orally in a series than the items in between 8 Monday February 8 y start and end with a bang Intros Get the attention with a question direct or rhetorical quote story startling fact or statistic

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FSU SPC 2608 - public speaking notes

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