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3 5 mya Australopithecus suggesting our ancestors were less chimp like than we thought Australopithecines Australopithecines including Paranthropus aka Australopithecus robustus are also known as Plio Pleistocene hominids Plio Pleistocene hominid Australopithecus Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 8th ed p 183 Epochs note climactic change including the Ice Ages John E Pfeiffer The Emergence of Man 4th ed NY Harper and Row 1985 p 101 Campbell Loy Humankind Emerging 7th ed p 327 Homo sapiens Homo erectus Homo Au st habilis ra lo pi th ec us Moderns Neandertals Homo sapiens Homo erectus Homo habilis Australopithecus Plio Pleistocene hominid Australopithecus Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 8th ed p 183 Campbell Loy Humankind Emerging 7th ed p 429 Epochs Tertiary Quaternary Epochs Tertiary Quaternary began m y a Holocene Villafranchian Pleistocene Pliocene 0 01 1 6 1 8 5 Time 23 July 2001 Time 23 July 2001 Early Hominids Genus Orrorin Ardipithecus Australopithecu s Paranthropus Species tugenensis ramidus anamensis afarensis africanus garhi aethiopicus boisei robustus Time 23 July 2001 Taung Child Lucy Turnbaugh Jurmain Kilgore and Nelson 8th ed p 248 Early Hominids Genus Orrorin Ardipithecus Australopithecu s Paranthropus Species tugenensis ramidus anamensis afarensis africanus garhi aethiopicus boisei robustus Time 23 July 2001 p 57 Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba 5 8 mya Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba 5 8 mya Time 23 July 2001 Time 23 July 2001 Early Hominids Genus Orrorin Ardipithecus Australopithecu s Paranthropus Species tugenensis ramidus anamensis afarensis africanus garhi aethiopicus boisei robustus Time 23 July 2001 Early Hominids Genus Orrorin Ardipithecus Australopithecu s Paranthropus Species tugenensis ramidus anamensis afarensis africanus garhi aethiopicus boisei robustus Time 23 July 2001 Early Hominids Genus Orrorin Ardipithecus Australopithecu s Paranthropus Species tugenensis ramidus anamensis afarensis africanus garhi aethiopicus boisei robustus Time 23 July 2001 Early Hominids Genus Orrorin Ardipithecus Australopithecu s Paranthropus Species tugenensis ramidus anamensis afarensis africanus garhi aethiopicus boisei robustus Australopithecus garhi 2 5 mya Time 23 July 2001 Time 23 July 2001 saggital crest Time 23 July 2001 Time 23 July 2001 Time 23 July 2001 Early Hominids Genus Orrorin Ardipithecus Australopithecu s Paranthropus Species tugenensis ramidus anamensis afarensis africanus garhi aethiopicus boisei robustus Hominids Family Hominids Hominidae Genus Australopithecus Paranthropus Homo Subfamily Subfamily Hominids Family Hominids Hominidae Subfamily Genus Australopithecus Paranthropus Homo Family Hominids Hominidae Subfamily Genus Australopithecine s Australopithecus Paranthropus Homo Hominines Australopithecines Paranthropus robustus Australopithecus robustus Australopithecines Advanced Australopithecus Homo habilis Taxonomy Don t forget about Splitters and Lumpers Campbell Loy Humankind Emerging 7th ed p 236 Problem Species Back to the problem of what is a species B A C N X Z Humankind Emerging 7th edition p 418 Problem Species Back to the problem of what is a species range of variation The Guiness Book of Records The Most Dissimilar Couple in the World Wife 2 11 Husband 6 2 They met on the internet The Maury Show 27 April 1999 Phineas T Barnum Commodore Nutt Problem Interpretation Problem interpretation Turnbaugh Jurmain Kilgore and Nelson 8th ed p 254 Turnbaugh Jurmain Kilgore and Nelson 8th ed p 254 Turnbaugh Jurmain Kilgore and Nelson 8th ed p 254 Turnbaugh Jurmain Kilgore and Nelson 8th ed p 254 Turnbaugh Jurmain Kilgore and Nelson 8th ed p 254 Turnbaugh Jurmain Kilgore and Nelson 8th ed p 254 Humankind Emerging 7th edition p 259 Humankind Emerging 7th edition p 259 Problem Gaps Problems gaps in the record site overlap Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 8th ed p 246 Hominids The Transvaal Hominids Transvaal Humankind Emerging 7th edition p 199 Australopithecines Genus Species Australopithecu s africanus Paranthropus Homo Selected Major Discoveries Events ca 1850 Present 1924 Taung Child Taung South Africa Australopithecus africanus Raymond Dart 3 0 2 0 mya Taung Humankind Emerging 7th edition p 199 Humankind Emerging 7th edition p 240 Selected Major Discoveries Events ca 1850 Present 1924 Taung Child problems was a child 3 4 yrs old Or 6 was a one of a kind find what was it representative of Methods We can learn a lot from the Hensel Twins a few hundred pairs of conjoined twins are born each year conjoined twins survive in about 1 50 000 60 000 births they appear about once in every 100 000 births but more than half of them are stillborn and one in three live for only a few days Methods And Balaji the Reincarnation of Hindu God Baby with tail believed to be the reincarnation of Hindu god The 11 month old boy has been named Balaji or Bajrangbali another name for monkey faced Lord Hanuman He is reported to have a 4 in tail caused by genetic mutations during the development of the foetus There have been other cases of babies born with tails A report appeared in The New England Journal of Medicine in 1982 by Dr Fred Ledley His paper entitled Evolution and the Human Tail concerned a baby born with a 2 in growth on its back Selected Major Discoveries Events Ca 1850 Present 1936 Australopithecus africanus Sterkfontein South Africa in the Transvaal Region 3 2 mya Sterkfontein Humankind Emerging 7th edition p 199 Australopithecines Genus Species Australopithecu s Paranthropus Homo robustus Selected Major Discoveries Events ca 1850 Present 1938 Australopithecus robustus aka Paranthropus robustus Kromdraai South Africa Transvaal 3 2 mya Kromdraai Humankind Emerging 7th edition p 199 Hominids The Great Savanna Selected Major Discoveries Events ca 1850 Present 1950s to present Many finds of Mary and Louis Leakey and Richard and Meave Leakey Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 8th ed p 229 Olduvai Gorge Tanzania Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 8th ed p 229 The main gorge at Olduvai Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 8th ed p 208 Early Hominids Genus Orrorin Ardipithecus Australopithecu s Paranthropus Species tugenensis ramidus anamensis afarensis africanus garhi aethiopicus boisei robustus Selected Major Discoveries Events ca 1850 Present e g 1959 Zinj Zinjanthropus aka Australopithecus boisei Olduvai Gorge Tanzania 1 79 0 03 mya 200 000 years Zinjanthropus skull

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