KU BIOL 152 - Behaviors
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BIOL 152 1st Edition Lecture 26 Outline of Last Lecture I Case Study Outline of Current Lecture I Tinbergen s questions II Behaviors are varied III Fixed action pattern IV Hormones influence behavior V Artificially selecting behavior VI Learning VII Imprinting VIII Navigation IX Biological clocks Current Lecture Tinbergen s question Proximate questions How 1 Causation 2 Development Ultimate questions Why 1 Adaptive function 2 Evolutionary history Ex Aggressive behavior by male sticklebacks Behavior Male fish attacks other fish that invade its nesting territory stimulus proximate is the red color males have during mating seasons Ultimate Aggressive male decreases the chances of any other male fertilizing their eggs Behaviors are varied These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Fixed action patterns simple stimulus results in specific behavior innate Migration visual and magnetic cues Communication Learning Innate behaviors 45 1 Fixed action pattern FAP in geese 45 3 Geese lose an egg out of the nest and instinctively bring it back after testing it was learned that the geese will perform this action with any small soft object resembling their eggs Why are courtship displays often innate 45 3 FAP can be exploited How to detect salient signal Focus on features 45 4 If you tune the sensory system you can filter out noise Hormones can influence behavior 45 5 Castrated male lizard do not display courtship behaviors Testosterone added and castrated lizard displays behaviors like normal HORMONES ARE IMPORTANT IN BEHAVIOR Artificially selecting behavior 45 6 Breeding in order to determine if behavior is innate or learned Unintended consequences pigeons Roller pigeons Is behavior a phenotype Yes Using molecular techniques to test the roles of genes in behavior 45 7 Learning Non associative o Sensitization o Habituation Associative conditioning o o Classical stimulus behavior Operant behavior response Associative learning Dog running into porcupine does it once and will probably never do it again Innate learning 45 10 Imprinting 45 11 Ex Imprinting in graylag geese Behavior young geese follow and imprint along their mother Proximate young geese observe mother moving away and calling to them Ultimate geese imprinting increase their chances of survival Navigation Orientation Navigation is more complex than orientation Geomagnetic pole reversal o What happens to the animals that use magnetic poles They use a different sensory system Biological clocks Circadian Lunar Annual

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KU BIOL 152 - Behaviors

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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