UGA FDNS 4600 - Final Exam Study Guide
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FDNS 4600 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Lectures 30 44 Lecture 30 31 and 33 Dietary Supplements 1 What are the similarities and differences among sources of information about dietary supplements e g government marketing consumer action groups 1 FDA and Dietary Supplements 1 Regulates supplements but does not do pre market approval unless it has a new dietary ingredient 2 FDA can issue a warning label if the dietary supplement is unsafe 3 Manufacturer responsible for ensuring its dietary supplement is safe before it goes on the market 2 FTC Federal Trade Commission 1 Protects consumers by stopping unfair deceptive or fraudulent practices in the marketplace including advertising 2 Do investigations sue companies and people that violate the law educate consumers and businesses about rights and responsibilities 3 National Institutes of Health NIH Office of Dietary Supplements ODS 1 Mission strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information stimulating and supporting research disseminating research results and educating the public to foster an enhanced quality of life and health for US 2 Important to have food first and supplements as needed 3 Caffeine intake in new 2015 dietary guidelines 4 US Preventative Health Services Taskforce 1 Non federal specialists to conduct scientific evidence are people such as professors or university faculty 2 Focus on preventive health rather than regulation and on benefits vs outcomes 3 ARHQ helps conduct research to help America make better health care choices 4 USPSTF assembles non federal specialists to do scientific evidence reviews of clinical preventative health care services 1 Makes recommendations based on evidence of benefits and harms about effectiveness of specific clinical preventive services 2 Contamination and Adulteration 1 What is a systematic review 1 More of a literature review well define the articles that were accurate just below a meta analysis 2 What is a database 1 Have all of the articles Pubmed web of science Cochrane Reviews Google Scholar Science Direct 3 How to avoid these health risks 1 Consumerlab com 4 Most common adulterants or contaminants 1 Dust pollens insects rodents parasites microbes fungi mold toxins pesticides toxic heavy metals and prescription drugs 5 What were most severe adverse effects reported 1 Agranulocytosis meningitis multi organ failure perinatal stroke 2 Lead or mercury poisoning 3 Malignancies or carcinomas cancer 4 Liver encephalopathy hepatorenal syndrome nephrotoxicity rhabdomyolysis metabolic acidosis renal or liver failure cerebral edema bad news for brain liver kidney 6 What groups of products were most problematic 1 Traditional Indian or Chinese Remedies 3 What are some helpful dietary supplements 1 Pregnancy 1 Folic acid iron 2 Older adults 1 Calcium vitamin D B12 3 Vitamin D 1 People with light skin regional areas Boston vs Florida older people women 4 How will you find information about dietary supplements in the future 1 Consumerlabs com is an independent chemical analysis of supplements that provides information about dietary supplements 2 Dietary Supplement Ingredient Data Base 5 How enthusiastically will you recommend supplements to yourself friends family and clients 1 When deciding whether or not to recommend supplements it is important to refer to the ASHP Statement on Use of Dietary Supplements 2 Keep in mind the 5 Dangers to Public Health 1 Naturally Unsafe 2 Lax regulation of manufacturing risk contamination and variability 3 May compromise delay or supplant treatment with therapies of proven efficacy 4 Possible dangers to children pregnant women surgery patients poor organ or immune function 5 Spending is enormous health cost with unproven value Lecture 32 Student Presentation on Food Additives 1 What are food additives 1 Anything added to the food to enhance flavor or appearance or to preserve it 2 Direct food additives are added to food for a specific purpose 3 Indirect food additives become part of the food in trace amounts from packaging storage or handling 2 What are color additives 1 Any dye pigment or substance that adds color to the food 2 FDA is responsible for regulating all color additives 3 Safe or Unsafe 1 Hydroxyquinoline is unsafe and is banned 2 Ammoniated glycyrrhizin is safe GRAS 4 Certified or Exempt 1 Certified colors synthetically produced and used for color There are nine certified color additives approved in the U S 5 Why are food additive used 1 To maintain and improve safety and freshness preservatives 2 To improve or maintain nutritional value addition of vitamins and minerals 3 Improve taste texture or appearance spices natural and artificial flavors and sweeteners 6 What does the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act FFDCA do 1 Helps maintain assuring that the food additive ingested are safe 2 It also defines food additive 7 What does GRAS mean 1 Generally recognized as safe 2 Manufactures notify FDA of GRAS determination and provide evidence 8 What is Clean Labeling 1 No legal definition but it is widely used 2 Involves the replacement of unfamiliar or chemical sounding ingredients with those that the consumer is more likely to recognize 3 An example is using celery seeds for preserving meat rather than using nitrates for preserving However the celery seeds might have more nitrate than the food Lecture 33 Kava Case Study 1 What are the main conclusions about the safety and efficacy of kava from these researchers and clinicians mainly MDs 1 There is substantial evidence that kava has a positive effect on the symptoms of anxiety disorders 2 It may potentially alter other medications and there may be some long term effects if the product is used long term 3 Short term use can lead to some improvement in anxitey and the short term risks do not outweight the benefits 2 What other dietary supplements might be beneficial for mental health 1 Use of Inositol dosage of 12 18 g day is a treatment option for panic disorder 2 Insitol dosage 12 18 g day may be used to treat obsessive compulisve disorder but not in combination with SSRIs 3 What are the advantages of using RCT studies and conducting a meta analysis 1 RCT studies are the gold standard for research 2 Meta analysis pulls many different studies together and allows the researcher to see the different results 4 What are the main conclusions about the safety and efficacy of kava from these researchers 1 Kava extract is an effective symptomatic treatment

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UGA FDNS 4600 - Final Exam Study Guide

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