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FDNS 4600 1st edition Lecture 43 Outline of Last Lecture I II Changes in AAP recommendations Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD Outline of Current Lecture I II McCann study Proposed Treatments of ADHD Current Lecture I II McCann study a Controversial study b There were many issues with the way that the study was conducted c The European Food Safety Authority and the FDA found the data flawed d Criteria to evaluate studies i Verification of effectiveness of blinding particularly for behavioral raters ii Confirmatory sources of outcome data parents teachers testing etc Proposed Treatments of ADHD a Recommended Daily Allowance Reference Daily Intake Multivitamin mineral Supplementation i Treatment worth consideration for most patients ii Children who received a multivitamin had improved nonverbal intelligence concentration and sustained attention and level of motor behavior iii It is important to note that the children who improved the most had poor diets 1 Children with ADHD may have poor diets due to medicine suppressing their appetite b Essential Fatty Acids i Treatment worth considering for certain populations ii The study showed significant effects for a minority of participants and provided some evidence that EFA may be most effective for the treatment of inattention symptoms rather than hyperactivity impulsivity These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute c Iron Supplementation i Treatment worth consideration for certain populations ii Study showed Improvement in children with low serum ferritin levels iii Important to note that once any deficiency in the diet is corrected improvements in behavior will be seen iv RUDE d Zinc i Treatments not supported for ADHD but with general health benefits ii Most improvement seen in the Middle East where zinc deficiency is common e Elimination Diets i Treatment worth considering for certain populations ii Results were controversial from the study but improvement was shown in the experimental group of children who received diets free of preservatives and AFDs However improvement in all children was shown not just in the children with ADHD f L Carnitine i Treatment worth considering for certain populations ii The study showed that almost half of the children given this supplement showed significant improvement g Dimethylaminoethanol i Treatment requiring additional research before any conclusions regarding effectiveness can be drawn ii DMAE study was methodologies were flawed but some improvement was seen h Magnesium i Treatment requiring additional research before any conclusions regarding effectiveness can be drawn ii The study showed improvement in children with ADHD However they did not have children not affected by ADHD to compare the result to iii It s important to note that the biggest effect was seen in children who had low magnesium levels i Glyconutritional Supplements i Treatment Not supported for ADHD but with general health benefits ii Since basic saccharides are necessary for cell communication and formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids it is seen as a health benefit However it is not supported for ADHD j Megadoses of Vitamins i Treatment Probably not worth considering ii Megadoses of vitamins did not improve ADHD symptoms Some were promising but the risk of toxicity outweighs the benefits k Combination of Micronutrients i Treatment worth considering for certain population ii Studies showed improvement in children with mood disorders or severe disruptive behavior who have not responded well to mood stabilizing medication l Sugar i Not supported for ADHD but with general health benefits ii Restricting sugar intake in breakfast cereals showed improvement in attention However there is not enough evidence to support it as a treatment for ADHD m Amino Acid Supplementation i Treatments probably not worth considering ii Study showed that there was only slight improvement in behavior and it did not last long because a tolerance was built n Homeopathic Remedies i Treatment probably not worth considering ii Three placebo controlled studies showed there was improvement in decreasing symptoms However a fourth placebo controlled study showed no benefits iii It also took 1 18 moths for the children to respond

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