FDNS 4600 1st Edition Lecture 39 Outline of Past Lecture I Non Nutritive Sweeteners Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V VI VII VIII Sweeteners Why Differences in Recommendations for Added Sugar Intake 2010 DGA ChooseMyPlate Monosaccharides Disaccharide Other sugar sources Glucose Fructose and Sucrose in various fruits fruit juices and cola Polyols Current Lecture I II III IV Sweeteners a It is important to know about sugar and sweeteners because it is popular among consumers Also if consumers have question you should have knowledge about the subject based on actual facts Why Differences in Recommendations for Added Sugar Intake a DRI from IOM i IOM is concerned with everyone meeting the needed vitamins and minerals so they found that if added sugar does not exceed 25 of energy the RDA can be met b American Heart Association i Focused on heart health ii Women 100 calories from added sugar iii Men 150 calories from added sugar c WHO i Less then 10 of energy should be from added sugar 2010 DGA ChooseMyPlate a Foods high in added sugar are usually low in fiber nutrients i Acceptation is cereal ii Reduce foods from solid fats and added sugars soFAS Monosaccharides These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V VI VII a Glucose i Primary source of energy for body cells b Galactose i Occurs in dairy products and some plants ii Galactosemia 1 Disease where people lack the enzyme to break down glactose 2 This is a reason to drink or eat soy c Fructose i Most controversial ii Found in fruit honey and some vegetables iii Health concerns 1 Liver fatty liver iv If it is not used for ATP it is converted into LDL bad cholesterol Disaccharide a Sucrose i Naturally in fruit and vegetables ii Composes the majority of sugar 1 White sugar 99 3 2 Raw sugar 97 5 b Maltose i Found in molasses ii Used for fermentation Other sugar sources a Agave Nectar i Has calories but is sweeter so not as much is needed b Honey i Mostly fructose ii Mixture of mono di and oligosaccharides c Corn based Sweetener i High Fructose corn syrup 1 Mixture of glucose and fructose 2 Only available to food manufactures 3 42 55 of High fructose corn syrup is made up of fructose 4 Corn corn syrup Processing HFCS product 5 Companies switched because it was cheaper and sweeter d Trends of obesity and presence of HFCS in American Diet i Correlation does not imply causation Glucose Fructose and Sucrose in various fruits fruit juices and cola a Biggest concern is with children i Fruit juice has way more calories than an actual piece of fruit but it will not fill the child up ii Obesity children are drinking fruit juice all day so they exceed their caloric needs even though fruit juice is healthy iii If a child is introduced to fruit juice while breast feeding the child will often stop breast feeding This is a problem because the child will miss out on nutrients needed from breast milk VIII IX Graph a 1 Apple Juice b 2 Banana c 3 Coca cola high fructose corn syrup fructose and no sucrose d 4 Grapes e 5 OJ Polyols a What are they i Found in sugar free candy gum ii Sugar substance or sugar alcohol b What is their energy contribution regulatory status and function in foods i Sweet but do not cause cavities c Not counted as sugar so if contains polyols can label as sugar free d Could this be misleading i Can have calories and are sugar based
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