UGA FDNS 4600 - Non-Nutritive Sweeteners
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FDNS 4600 1st Edition Lecture 38 Outline of Past Lecture I II III IV V Differences in Nitrates nitrites nitric oxide and nitrosamines Nitrates Nitrites Nitrosamines 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Outline of Current Lecture I Non Nutritive Sweeteners Current Lecture I Non Nutritive Sweeteners a General knowledge i Provide little to no energy ii Not fully absorbed by the digestive system iii Acceptable Daily Intake 1 What is ok to eat per day b GRAS approval i Acesulfame k Sunett Sweet One ii Apartame NutraSweet Equal iii Neotame NutraSweet iv Saccharin Sweet N Low v Sucralose Splenda vi Stevia gylocsides Stevia 1 Stevia does not have GRAS approval yet 2 Highly refined preparations of Stevia have been allowed by FDA but neither the whole Stevia leaf nor extractions have received GRAS status vii Aspartame Equal 1 Found in diet sodas 2 Seen by the media an public as bad a Doctors say stay away b Perceived as having effects on cancer fat cells and neurological disorders These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute viii ix x xi c However research does not back up all of the health claims 3 Phenylketonuria PKU a PKU should avoid consumption of aspartame because they can t break down phenylalanine which is a main component Sucralose Splenda 1 A person could consume 31 packets of splenda before it becomes a big issue 2 There are many unjustified claims about the dangers of Sucralose a May be a cause for diabetes Evidence for benefits 1 Can non nutritive sweeteners NNS help us lose weight a Main question asked and main reason people use them The study 1 Gold standard is water 2 The objective is to determine the effectiveness of NNS beverages in a weight loss regimen 3 Randomly selected but there were screening criteria a To make sure the candidates are similar and this study will not effect the health 4 Mostly female Possible problem 5 The groups are statistically similar and it does represent the general population 6 The results a After twelve weeks the non nutritive sweetener group lost about 6 pounds b After twelve weeks the nutritive sweetener group lost about 4 pounds c This is not a huge difference The Review 1 Meta analysis a Found that low calorie sweeteners reduced weight in RCTs but not cohort studies

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UGA FDNS 4600 - Non-Nutritive Sweeteners

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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