FDNS 4600 Lecture 37 Outline of Past Lecture I II III IV V Use of MSG Is MSG a Food Allergen Children Pregnancy and Lactation Chinese Restaurant Syndrome MSG Challenge Study Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V Differences in Nitrates nitrites nitric oxide and nitrosamines Nitrates Nitrites Nitrosamines 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Current Lecture I II Differences in Nitrates nitrites nitric oxide and nitrosamines a Nitrates i Turn into Nitrates ii Naturally found in plant sources iii No3 b Nitrites i Main food additive used in cured meat poultry fish ii It is also formed in the body 1 Might inhibit some bacteria iii No2 c Nitric Oxide i When nitric oxide is increasing in the body it increases nitric oxide bioactivity bioavailability ii It may increase cardiovascular health d Nitrosamines i Most come form non dietary sources Nitrates a Used as a fertilizer and it can get into our drinking water from agriculture runoff b It is mostly excreted from the body but some is converted to nitrate These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV V c It is usually regulated as dangerous d Potential risks i Methamoglobinaemia 1 Occurs in infants exposed to too much nitrate 2 Most common in well water ii Carcinogenesis 1 Happens in the process of conversions but the most common source of nitrate is vegetables which protect against cancer e Potential Benefits i Decreases platelet aggregation ii Is a defense against bacteria when converted to nitrite iii Cardiovascular 1 Fruits and vegetables help improve health 2 Gastroprotective a Enhanced gastric emptying b Defense against bacteria Nitrites a Nitrite Food Additive i Chemical reaction with hemoglobin in food to produce a pink color ii Cured foods Bacon fermented sausage hot dogs bologna salami corned beef ham other smoked or cured meat fish and poultry iii Very easy to see if nitrites have been added labeling b Regulatory Status and Labeling i Prior sanctioned pre 1958 1 Cured meet and poultry USDA ii Regulated as a food additive 1 FDA pre market approval iii Ingredient must be on label Nitrosamines a Most come form non dietary sources b Blocked by Vitamins C and E c May be the cancer related chemicals in processed broiled and or char broiled meats d High in beer i Fixed quickly ii Dark or smoky beers highest levels iii German Lager Rauchbier and the highest amount per liter Studies on Nitrates Nitrites and Nitrosamines a Mean Intake i Women of childbearing age ii Asian Pacific Islanders have the highest Nitrates 1 There diet are high in vegetables and fruit iii Hispanics have the highest nitrites VI 1 Have higher cured meat intakes iv White women had the highest nitrosamines 1 Highest food sources is grilled and fried products b Sources i Nitrates 1 Vegetables 61 ii Nitrites 1 Meat 44 iii Nitrosamines 1 Meat 61 2 Dairy 49 c Safety Concerns i Hard to do studies because the forms change over the years ii Different definitions 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee a Issues with being able to put the sustainable practices into practice
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