KU BIOL 152 - Endocrine system and hormones
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BIOL 152 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture I Homunculus II Different muscle types III How muscles work a Sliding filament theory b Cross bridge cycle IV Fast twitch vs slow V Skeletons VI Intro to hormones Outline of Current Lecture I Invert hormones II Homeostasis revisited III Types of hormones IV Hypothalamus and pituitary V Gas exchange and respiration types VI Oxygen binding VII Circulatory systems Current Lecture Major Invertebrate Hormones 38 1 Ecdycone know the location destination and purpose Multiple hormones at work 38 3 Know this figure Negative feedback Homeostasis 38 4 Stimulus Sensor Effector Response Negative feedback maintains homeostasis Ex Glucose 38 5 o Stimulus high blood glucose levels o Sensor pancreas o Effector insulin Blood cells take up glucose These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Muscle and liver store it as glycogen o Response decrease in blood glucose levels Positive feedback NOT HOMEOSTASIS Three classes of hormones 38 7 Peptides Amines o Both of these are not soluble in water Steroid o Can diffuse across plasma membrane derivatives of cholesterol hydrophobic bind to cytoplasmic receptors How do hormones only affect specific targets RECEPTORS Where would you expect to find a receptor on a specific hormone CELL SURFACE Cell surface receptors 38 8 Intracellular receptors 38 8 Amplification hormone signals go from small concentrations to large 38 9 Endocrine organs and their hormones 39 10 Pineal melatonin Thyroid thyroxin Pancreas insulin Ovary estrogen Testis testosterone Adrenal cortisol Pituitary cortisol Hypothalamus many stimulating hormones Hypothalamus nervous endocrine system interface 38 11 Understand the role of the hypothalamus and its importance Vertebrate hormones 38 2 IMPORTANT Hypothalamus releasing factors Anterior pituitary thyroid stimulating follicle stimulating etc Anterior vs posterior pituitary hormones Modes of chemical signaling 38 13 Distance endocrine Local paracrine autocrine or synaptic signaling Pheromones Chemical signaling between animals Can demonstrate o Mating times o Territory o Swarming o Trailing ANTS o Attack Isoamyl acetate Banana oil 3 methylbutyl acetate all of these are the same released by bees and wasps when necessary to attack o Social interactions 38 16 Why do we have respiratory and circulatory systems Gas exchange circulate nutrients send signals hormones etc Gas exchange by diffusion Not effective in larger animals due to surface area size Gas exchange is driven by diffusion Large animals need more BULK FLOW o Ventilation and circulation diffusion Three major types of gas exchange organs 39 4 Lungs Gills Trachea Counter current exchange efficiency Lung surface area huge for diffusion to take place Hemoglobin 4 and myoglobin 1 bind oxygen in vertebrates Myoglobin stores oxygen in muscles Many inverts have hemocyanin Second only to hemoglobin in oxygen binding Not in blood cells but directly in the hemolymph open circulatory system

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KU BIOL 152 - Endocrine system and hormones

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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