CSU LIFE 103 - Invertebrates

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LIFE 103 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture I Announcements II Protostomes vs Deuterostomes III Trees IV Porifera Outline of Current Lecture II Table Continued III Big 9 focus IV Lophotrochozoa I Platyhelminthes II Mollusca III Annelida Current Lecture Group Marine Sessile Motile Predatory Filter Feeding Porifera Yes Yes No No Yes Ctenophora Yes No Yes cilia Yes No Cnidaria Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Placozoa Yes No Yes flagella Detritivores No Acoela Yes No Yes cilia Yes No Rotifera wheel animals No mostly freshwater No Yes No Yes Acanthocephala No freshwater No Yes Yes parasitic No These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Cycliophora found on the mouthparts of lobsters Yes No Yes Yes parasitic No or commensal Gastrotricha Yes No Yes No No Gnathostomulida Yes No Yes No No Platyhelminthes Can be No Yes Yes No Entoprocta Yes Yes No No Yes Mollusca Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Brachiopoda Yes No Yes No Yes Phoronida Yes Yes No No Yes Ectoprocta Yes Yes No No Yes Nemertea Yes No Yes Yes No Annelida Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Priapulida Yes No Yes No No Kinorhyncha Yes No Yes Yes No Loricifera Yes No Yes No No Nematomorpha No No Yes Yes No Nematoda Yes No Yes Yes No Chaetognatha Yes No Yes Yes No Tardigrada Can be No Yes Yes No Onychophora velvet worms No No Yes Yes No Arthropoda Yes Barnacles Yes Yes Yes I II III Almost all of them are marine Predatory is more common Mostly motile IV Most animal phyla are motile Big 9 focus I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Porifera Cnidaria Platyhelminthes Mollusca Annelida Nematoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Chordata Invertebrates are not a clade Invertebrates Lophotrochozoa I II III IV Is a clade because they all share a common ancestor United by molecular characters Named for two characters that are not universal lophophore flowery filter feeding structure and trochophore larva The taxa listed are parts of this group Platyhelminthes flatworms 25 000 species I II III IV V VI VII VIII Predators or parasites Motile Moist habitats including terrestrial freshwater and marine Acoelomate Flattened bodies increase surface area to volume ratio Gas exchange and diffusion of nitrogenous wastes across body surface Gastrovascular cavity not a tube More than half are parasitic some with complex life cycles Schistosoma Mollusca mollusks 85 000 species I II III IV V VI VII More varied forms than any other phylum Predatory filter feeding detritivores Motile and sessile Marine freshwater and terrestrial Second only to arthropods in diversity Soft bodied hardened calcium carbonate shell sometimes reduced Shared body plan foot visceral mass mantle VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV Radula mouthparts 80 snails and slugs Cephalopods are most neurologically advanced invertebrates Some are quite toxic blue ringed octopus cone snails Most endangered group of animals Fig 33 21 Biomimicry goethite proteins Annelida segmented worms 22 000 species I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Predatory filter feeding detritivores sanguivores Motile and sessile Marine freshwater terrestrial All the big 9 taxa that have become really diverse are the ones that have gone beyond marine habitat Ringed worms as well Chaetae bristles made of chitin Predators grazers filter feeders parasites Leeches secrete anesthetics and hirudin which dissolves clots Earthworms circulate nutrients and aerate soil Most common North American earthworms are not native and have transformed ecosystems invasive Clicker question the group of invertebrates shaded blue is a clade false

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CSU LIFE 103 - Invertebrates

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