PSY 213 1st Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I Information Processing II Intelligence Outline of Current Lecture I The Self II Emotional Development Current Lecture I The Self The development of self understanding better understanding on who they are a During middle and late childhood describe self in more psychological traits Understanding others b Perspective taking Ability to assume other people s perspectives and understand their thoughts and feelings Assume other peoples perspectives c Social comparisons comparing themselves to peers and seeing themselves in relation with others Self esteem and self concept d Self esteem global evaluations of ones self self image self worth Comes from environment where they are grown up parents e Self concept breaking it down further domain specific evaluations of self I m really good at math but not English I m a good athlete but not good in school Children with high self esteem f Do not necessarily perform better in school Example narcissist These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute g Have greater initiative positive or negative Increasing children s self esteem h Identify the causes of low self esteem i Provide emotional support and social approval encouraging child efforts not matter what j Help children achieve tutors k Help children cope with failure face problems don t run away Self efficacy Belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable l Mastery oriented attribution belief that I can do it m Learned helplessness belief that I can t do this Industry versus inferiority middle to late childhood erikson n Industry Children become interested in how things work o Inferiority Parents who see their children s efforts as mischief may encourage inferiority Self regulation deliberate of intentional efforts to manage our behavior emotions and our thoughts Critical with how you deal with people and school p Children with good self regulation do better in school and have better relationships Able to control themselves to focus on important things not distractions II Emotional Development Developmental changes a Improved emotional understanding b Increased understanding that more than one emotion can be experienced in a particular situation c Increased awareness of the events leading to emotional reactions d Ability to suppress or conceal negative emotional reactions e Use of self initiated strategies for redirecting feelings Capacity for genuine empathy might be able to feel what others do because they relate
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