UGA FDNS 4600 - Organic Foods
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FDNS 4600 1st Edition Lecture 27 Outline of Past Lecture I II III IV V Weight Loss Supplements Green Coffee Extract Ephedra FDA Advertising Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V Sales of Organic Food Geographic Distribution of Certified Organic Producers Pesticide residues detected Organic Food non Hodgkins Lymphoma 1 study Nutrition related health benefits Current Lecture I II III IV Sales of Organic Food a The growth has dropped since the early 2000 s but it is still growing overall b The sales have increased greatly and have reached an overall high c Fruit and vegetables are leading the way followed by dairy d 10 increase year in sales Geographic Distribution of Certified Organic Producers a The climate has a very large impact on distribution b In the south there is not as many organic distributions because of the pests and animals as well as the climate Organic Practices a USDA makes the list of what pesticides are okay to use b Organic food is not completely free of all pesticides c It is concerned with synthetic materials but not toxic materials Pesticide residues detected a Organic has noticeably lower levels of pesticides than conventional but they are not absent These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V VI b The reason it is not absent is because of drift and persistent pesticides in environment c There is usually less than 1 of exposure to pesticides d Pesticide residue in food leads to very minimal risks e There is not current evidence that conventional is more risky than organic Organic Food non Hodgkins Lymphoma 1 study a 30 of women never ate organic food b 63 sometimes ate organic food c 7 usually always ate organic food d No relationship with total cancer but 20 decrease in risk for non Hodgkin lymphoma e Some issues with the study size is it big enough is it controlled they were statistically similar other diseases genetic markers one gender the question may lead to changes in behavior and they did not follow up throughout the study and lack of specificity of terms f Suggestions food diary blood or urine test Nutrition related health benefits a MPD is mean differences overall positive b Follow the diamonds c It is statistically insignificant if it crosses over the line d None of them enhance nutritional value e Pay attention to Vitamins E higher in conventional and Cd heavy in sewage f Protein is higher in conventional so it is lower in organic g Know i Antioxidant activity ii Phytochemicals iii Flav compounds iv The well known flavonols v Anthyocyanins vi Carotenoids vii Xanthophylls viii Vitamin C vitamin E ix Protein vs amino acids x Nitrates nitrites xi Cadmium

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UGA FDNS 4600 - Organic Foods

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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