FDNS 4600 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Past Lecture I II III IV Agricultural Health Study Tolerance Monitoring Residues FDA Pesticide Monitoring Outline of Current Lecture I II III Organic diets significantly lower children s dietary exposure to organophosphorus pesticides Cancer Risks Integrated Pest Management Current Lecture I II Organic diets significantly lower children s dietary exposure to organophosphorus pesticides a Longitudinal study over a long time period i Randomize control trial is the gold standard However there may be some ethical issues with this type of study b Questions about other household pesticide use are important because the outside exposure to pesticides may affect the results c The data shows that while the children were on the organic diet the exposure to pesticide is the lowest d They cannot say that the children are healthier because they used chemical analysis e Does a decrease really translate to health benefit i It might but cannot be concluded from a study like this f Should parents pay the extra for organic foods i Depends on the parent and is something to think about it Cancer risks a It takes such high doses to cause cancer in animals that it may not be relevant to human life b There are a lot of estimates and assumptions c Cancer example Roundup These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i ii iii iv v III No exposure 1 for every 50 mice 150 mg kg day 0 750 mg kg day is about 1 4500 mg kg day is about 3 In order for 50 of the mice to have a tumor there would have to be 62 000 mg kg day vi In humans people would have to eat 10 lbs day Integrated Pest Management a Use pesticides as a last resort so the residues are between conventional and organic b Organic three years with organic practices c Organic foods can have residue d Are some pesticides safer i Biologically based pesticides seem to be safer than traditional chemical pesticides e Microbial i Most used is Bacillus thuringiensis Bt f Plant incorporated protectants i Gene put in plant to make pesticide g Biochemical pesticides i Natural killer by non toxic mechanisms
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