FDNS 4600 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Past Lecture I II III IV Types of GM Common Technology Benefits to animals that eat GM foods Benefits of GM Foods Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV FDA Scientific research studies Dr Malarkey makes 5 points about science and safety Informing media consumers and health professionals Current Lecture I II FDA a Regulate the GM foods as a food additive b If the food does not meet the nutritional equivalence the FDA can remove the food from the market c GMOs have been tested Scientific research studies a There may be some fault in the way the studies are formed b How would you design a study to test one type of GM soy i What GM soy would you choose 1 Pesticide resistance ii Where would you buy it Straight to the farmer work with the company iii What would be the control food 1 A type of soy that is not GM However the protein stand will be different iv How would you ensure the control food was similar to the GM soy 1 Would where and how its grown matter a That would make a big difference 2 Should you test soy vs soy or soy vs corn or a There are an abundance of differences between the two c What is bioactive in soy i Phytoestrogens What else These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV 1 Plant estrogen things are going to change because its an active chemical d How much would you feed i This matters because it might be more than what is actually required Animals would respond differently than humans ii Is a difference always meaningful e It can be different but still within normal ranges Dr Malarkey makes 5 points about science and safety a Inherent toxicity of the novel gene i genes would have to survive digestion which is highly unlikely b Intrinsic toxicity of transgene product i The Bt toxins which are the most common gene products from current GM foods is not toxic in mammalian systems easily digested ii And it is allowed to be directly sprayed onto organic crops an allowable organic pesticide c Allergenicity i Allergenic foods will not make it through the process ii Scientists stay away from genes that make allergenic proteins iii GM foods are supposed to be reducing the risk of allergies d Change in nutrient composition i Tests are easy to run and this is the focus on the nutritional side of food e Unintended effects i If one gene changes will it change other genes ii Look to ensure safety Informing media consumers and health professionals a FDA i National vs state labeling standards ii Big focus on testing for allergens and scientists would avoid introducing genes for allergens b IFIC International Food Information Council i Write scientific issues in relatable terms for health professionals and the media ii Physicians Videos 1 Video for GM and pregnant women and children a The pediatrician says that GM foods are safe and do not harm children b Make a priority about what are actually issues GM foods are not a concern c Children s immune systems are different but the GM foods are considered safe foods c Center for Food Safety i Activist Group d Consumer Report i Informing the consumer
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