KU BIOL 152 - Symbiosis and Protists
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BIOL 152 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Carbon briefly revisited II Phylogenies briefly revisited III Bacteria continued a Reason for shape b Motility c Metabolism d Ecological roles e Diversity proteobacteria archaea and other f Horizontal gene transfer IV Endosymbiosis and the rise of eukaryotes Outline of Current Lecture I Case Study a Symbiosis b Endosymbiosis c Lamarck II Organismal Structure and function a Single celled organisms b Multi cellular organisms III Protists a Classification i Excavata ii Chromalveolata iii Archeoplastida iv Green Algae Current Lecture Symbiosis a relationship between two organisms in close proximity over time Mutualistic Parasitic Commensalism These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Endosymbiosis the theory that mitochondria and chloroplasts originated from an engulfed prokaryote Organismal structure and function All organisms must Get energy o Absorb or autotrophic Exchange genes Remove waste Balance salt and water Coordinate body activity Reproduce or go extinct Multicellular organisms must do all the above these Transport diffusion too slow Need communication among cells Organization and specialization of cells o Tissues o Organs o Organ system o Organism Excavata groove mark in cell body excavated cavity Euglenoids o Known as eyeball plants contain eye spot organelle o Morphologically distinct o Thousands of flagella o Extracellular DNA Chromalveolata known for alveoli undercavity Dinoflagellates o Cellulose plates o Armor with distinctive shapes o Two flagella perpendicular spinning motion o Marine and fresh water o Red tide Diatoms o Glass like wall silica embedded o Asexual and sexual reproduction o Major component of plankton ocean and lakes o Store energy as liminarin polymer of glucose Brown algae o Large very complex o Marine o Multicellular o Stipe stem blade wholefast Archeoplastida formed from symbiosis with cyanobacteria Red algae Rhodophyta o Marine environments reefs o Used in food smoothening and thickening agent Forms agar sushi reefs Green Algae precursor to land plants o Chlorophytes Transition from protists to land plants o Charophytes Multicellular sex organs Closest relative to land plants Commonly known as stoneworts

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KU BIOL 152 - Symbiosis and Protists

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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