UGA FDNS 4600 - Bisphenol A (BPA)
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FDNS 4600 1st Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Past Lecture I II III Concern higher mercury heart disease CHD in prospective studies How much mercury is considered safe EPA report using NHANES Outline of Current Lecture I Bisphenol A BPA II What is BPA III Who is assessing BPA safety IV EFSA s Calculation of new TDA V Where is BPA is found VI Health effects of BPA VII Why do you think scientists industry and the public got so carried away in their concern about BPA Current Lecture I II III IV Bisphenol A BPA a A craze happened around 2009 where the media blew the reports out of proportion b Now in 2015 big changes in level of concerns about BPA and many websites are outdated health officials are now much less concerned c In the 2009 video i The baby industry reacts first when there is a consumer push for a change ii Fact needs to be checked when there are new studies out d In the 2015 video i BPA is not in high enough amounts to be harmful What is BPA a Industrial chemical that is used in plastics containers marked 7 and lining of canned foods Who is assessing BPA safety a Mainly European Food Safety Authority b Also the US FDA is involved EFSA s Calculation of new TDA These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V VI VII a First they tested it on animals b Then they tested it on humans c Then they were able to have approximate safe amount 4 ug kg bw day Where is BPA is found a FDA regulates BPA as a food additive b Not allowed in can liners not because it is toxic but because the industry stopped using it Health effects of BPA a It is probably not an endocrine disruptors i no single clearly defined explanation b It would be toxic in large amounts c There is a marketing aspect to the study also If there is a possibility to say it is a possible endocrine disruptor to get more funding researches may Why do you think scientists industry and the public got so carried away in their concern about BPA a Information available all said it was toxic b Perception in everything and caused everything c The plastic industry took advantage of it Make new plastic bottles BPA free to sell

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UGA FDNS 4600 - Bisphenol A (BPA)

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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