KU BIOL 152 - Bacteria
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BIOL 152 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Cycling Carbon a Charles Keeling i Annual fluctuations in atmospheric carbon ii Steady increase in CO2 b Atmospheric CO2 i Influenced by 1 Geology 2 Biology 3 Humans ii Varies across eons iii Evidence for contributions from fossil fuels c Carbon and biodiversity II Diversity of Life Prokaryotes a Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes b Bacteria vs Archaea i Differ in histones metabolism cell wall components c Bacterial structure i Cell wall 1 Peptidoglycan ii Cell Shape Coccus Bacillus Spirilla Outline of Current Lecture I Carbon briefly revisited II Phylogenies briefly revisited III Bacteria continued a Reason for shape b Motility c Metabolism d Ecological roles e Diversity proteobacteria archaea and other f Horizontal gene transfer IV Endosymbiosis and the rise of eukaryotes These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Current Lecture Carbon Isotopes looking at the axes Know how to read graphs Phylogenetic tree know how to read Bacteria 3 domains Eukarya Archaea and Bacteria Synapomorphies shared derived characteristics Eukaryotes nucleus cytoskeleton Bacteria peptidoglycan cell walls Archaea peptidoglycan walls Refer to table 26 1 in book Prokaryotic shapes sizes What do the shapes have in common Small surface area is important Motility Bacterial flagellum differs from other flagellae Diversity of Prokaryotes Cell wall components Shape of cells Prokaryotic flagella o Motility o Response to stimuli Nutritional Diversity Autotrophs Carbon source CO2 o Photoautotrophs energy from light o Chemoautotrophs inorganic chemicals Heterotrophs Carbon from organic compounds o Photoheterotrophs ATP from light o Chemoautotrophs organic compounds Bacteria and Archaea play an important role in the carbon sulfur and nitrogen cycle Proteobacteria Highly diverse o Purple bacteria mostly anaerobic o Chemoautotrophs Rhizobium o Chemoheterotrophs E Coli Cyanobacteria Photoautotrophs blue green algae Undergo photosynthesis Archaea Not as ancient as assumed Environments o High temp high acidity high sulfur areas as well as benign conditions Diversity o Defined by DNA profiles o Found in extreme environments o Can be found in oceans Horizontal gene transfer 3 types Conjugation Transformation Transduction Endosymbiosis theory Proteobacteria engulfed by archeobacteria proteobacteria became mitochondria Mitochondria now present cyanobacteria engulfed and chloroplast formed Mitochondria Chloroplast Unique circular DNA Double membrane Eukaryotic cell REMEMBER THE IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTICS Ex nucleus cytoplasm cytoskeleton membrane bound organelles etc Diversity in Eukaryotes Membrane dynamics Compartmentalized metabolism Genome organization Genetic diversity by means of sex Life cycles

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KU BIOL 152 - Bacteria

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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