FDNS 4600 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Past Lecture I II III IV How could we use these research methods to test How fat is fatty fish Potential risks Maternal fish consumption hair mercury and infant cognition in a U S cohort Outline of Current Lecture I What is Fortification II Folic Acid Mandate III Food Vehicle IV Discussion Current Lecture I II III IV What is Fortification a Addition of nutrients to processed food b More of a corrective process to help with issues like disease prevention c Discretion is important d Cannot change the taste nutrient value or look of the product Folic Acid Mandate a Folic Acid helps greatly decrease the risk of neural tub defects in infants b There is now a mandated amount of folic acid in fortified food Food Vehicle a A way a food is fortified and distributed to a specific target group b In the Hispanic ethnicity corn would be a good food vehicle because it is a large part of the diet c Dry milling reduces the nutrient intake greatly that is why fortification would be important Discussion a Should corn flour be mandatorily fortified with folic acid Why or why not i Issue with implicating the product with the industry ii Extra cost iii Feasibility is the biggest issue currently iv There is a lack of education for the importance of folic acids These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute v Folic acid needs to be taken well before pregnancy to prevent the defects
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