UT Knoxville PSYC 110 - Exam 3 STUDY GUIDE

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Study Guide Psychology 110 011 Exam 3 Professor Crystal McIndoo 1 What is attention What is selective attention Who did research in this area What is mindfulness pg 259 261 E Colin Cherry cocktail party phenomenon 2 What do current models of selective attention emphasize Know the filter theories and attentional resource theories p 261 262 3 Know the differences between the levels of consciousness hint preconscious subliminal perception and subconscious pg 262 265 4 What are two views and the evidence of why we sleep pg 266 267 5 Know about circadian rhythms and what the research suggests about people with sleep deprivation and allowing people to create their own sleep schedules pg 267 269 6 What are the five stages of sleep and the brain waves associated with them pg 269 270 7 Be familiar with sleep disorders insomnia narcolepsy sleep apnea and somnambulism pg 271 273 8 What are the different types of theories about why we dream hint Freud cognitive activation synthesis hypothesis biological pg 273 275 9 What is hypnosis What is simulating paradigm and what has this research suggested about hypnotized vs the control group What is a posthypnotic suggestion pg 275 10 What are the four factors that influence whether a person can be easily hypnotized hint susceptibility pg 277 11 What are the effects and side effects of narcotics pg 280 281 12 What is a depressant and the effects What are the two types of sedatives and their characteristics What happens to a person at different levels of alcohol concentrations pg 282 285 13 What are the stimulants How do they work What is the effect of amphetamines on neurotransmitters pg 285 287 14 What are the physical and psychological symptoms of taking a hallucinogen such as LSD pg 288 289 15 What is cognitive psychology and what is studied Know about categorization and how it works including conceptual networks priming and spreading activation pg 299 16 What is change blindness and under what conditions does it occur What is one explanation for the attentional blink pg 301 302 308 310 311 17 Know about experts and how they get to be that way pg 312 314 18 What are algorithms and heuristics pg 315 19 Know about confirmation bias and functional fixedness What is Broca s and Wernicke s aphasia What are the language stages typical ages and typical abilities of each stage What have studies on deaf children taught us about language development pg 324 325 333 334 334 335 table9 2 20 Know about Spearman s intelligence g and s factors Thurstone s intelligence and Cattell Horne pg 21 How does Gardner study intelligence What is Sternberg s triarchic theory pg 22 What is the difference between achievement tests and aptitude tests pg 23 Know the concepts of reliability validity and standardization and be able to apply them Why are they important pg 24 What is Terman s IQ formula and why is it useful pg 25 What is the average and standard deviation of IQ scores in the normal distribution pg 26 What is emotional intelligence Why might emotional intelligence be important pg 27 How is tacit knowledge acquired How is it related to IQ pg 28 Why is it important to understand that ethnic and racial IQ differences are group or cultural differences hint adoption studies and stereotype threat pg 29 What is the nature vs nurture debate about IQ and what is the current way of thinking pg

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UT Knoxville PSYC 110 - Exam 3 STUDY GUIDE

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