ISU PSY 213 - The Life
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PSY 213 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture Professor was sick the two previous lectures Outline of Current Lecture I The life span perspective II Types of contextual influences III Contemporary concerns in life span development IV Biological cognitive socioeconomic processes V Periods of development VI Development issues Current Lecture I The life span perspective Development Pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the human life span Prepares us to take care of the next generation Gives us insight into our own lives Characteristics of the life span perspective Life span perspective Views development as Lifelong Multidimensional Multidirectional Plastic open to change constantly going through change These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II Multidisciplinary Contextual A process which involves growth maintenance regulation of lose Types of contextual influences Normative age graded influences ex 16 you re able to drive 18 you re able to vote 21 able to legally drink Normative history graded influences historical influences that have affected people during that time Ex 9 11 social media great depression These things have affected the way people have experience life Nonnormative life events unusual assurances that majorly impact someone s life Ex getting pregnant at the age of 13 Losing parents at a young age III Contemporary concerns in life span development Contemporary concerns in life span development Health and well being Parenting and education Sociocultural contexts and diversity Culture Behavior patterns beliefs and all other products of a group that are passed on from generation to generation Cross cultural studies Ethnicity Socioeconomic status SCS occupation education and economic characteristics Gender Social policy National government s course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizens FACT we have the highest poverty rate since 1995 People most effected Single parent with child under age of 5 Elderly Ethnic minorities IV Biological cognitive socioeconomic processes Biological processes brain development height weight cardio vascular health Cognitive processes thinking intelligence language Socioemotional processes relationships with other people emotions and personality V Periods of development Conceptions of age a Four types of age i Chronological age current age ii Biological age how you have aged how healthy you are People who take care of themselves seem younger than their actual age iii Psychological age individuals adaptive capacities compared to those who are the same age iv Social age connectedness to others People who have favorable social networks are happier and tend to live longer FACT most people become happier with age Life also becomes more stable and people become more comfortabe with life as they age VI Development issues Developmental issues Nature nurture issue Concerns the extent to which development is influenced by nature and by nurture Nature biological what we inherit Nurture experiences one has It is not just one or the other You have to take both nature and nurture into account when thinking about someone s development Stability change issue Involving the degree to which early traits and characteristics persist through life or change Ex Does a grumpy infant who cries all the time mean that is how they are going to remain No we change and develop But more extreme behaviors are more difficult to change Continuity discontinuity issue Focuses on the degree to which development involves either Gradual cumulative change or distinct stages Evaluating the developmental issues Nature and nurture stability and change continuity and discontinuity characterize development throughout the human life span

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ISU PSY 213 - The Life

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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