UGA FDNS 4600 - Dietary Guidelines
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FDNS 4600 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Past Lecture I Food Insecurity Outline of Current Lecture I Answers to worksheet Current Lecture 1 What are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans used for Science based nutrition and food safety recommendations to promote habits that maximize good health and reduce the risk for chronic disease 2 What government organization s make these guidelines USDA and US Department of Human Health and Services 3 Who serves on the advisory board Where are they typically employed Is this a good idea to have mainly people with this background and employment RDs MDs and other health professions like food scientists A few reasons would be a differencing in opinions food safety etc 4 Are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans mainly a guideline for eating foods or for eating nutrients Explain For eating foods The nutrients are in the food 5 What is the source of the recommendations for nutrient intake Institute of Medicine IOM nutrients for vitamins and minerals These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 6 What are the major professional organizations and news networks saying about the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans 7 What is the same in 2010 and 2005 Red SoFAS Na and Seafood are main differences between the two SO most of the guidelines are the same 8 What is new in 2010 Red SoFAS Na Seafood know these Red Fruits and Vegetables that are red are given more marketing so it has a special categories tomatoes red peppers SoFAS Solid fats and added Sugars added sugars are what is trying to be cut back on Na Sodium more harmony with guidelines and a stricter guideline 1500 mg of sodium struggle to bring this into reality Seafood dietary guidelines in harmony with recommending the amount of seafood with FDA and EPA for seafoods 9 Find the recommended energy intake for a specific gender age and activity level Why is this important page 14 or 78 Activity level is important because it is a factor in how many calories a person would need per day Calorie needs increase as the activity level increases 10 Find the recommended number of servings for various foods for a given energy intake Why is this important see page 79 This is important because it includes a break down of what needs to be included in the diet

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UGA FDNS 4600 - Dietary Guidelines

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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