ISU PSY 223 - Attraction
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PSY 223 1nd Edition Lecture 21 Outline of Last Lecture I Helping behavior continued a Situational factors influencing behavior b Who is more likely to help c Whom do we help d Costs of recipients e Increasing helping and altruism II Affiliation a Factors III Entering relationships a Flirting Outline of Current Lecture IV Factors leading to attraction a Proximity V Physical attraction Current Lecture 11 12 Attraction Two people have met but what factors lead to attraction The role of proximity those who are close to you Why is it important o o o Rewarding low costs easily available Anticipate more interaction Familiarity and mere exposure effects Effects of mere exposure the more you are exposed to something the more you like it These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Meaning of proximity may be changing physical proximity becoming less important think meeting online Social proximity having friends in common then more likely to befriend and fall in love with them There are also negative effects of proximity effects propinquity effect those close in proximity also spoil your environment leading to disliking So when asked who you like and who you don t like list people close in proximity to you Physical Attractiveness Classic dance study arranged for dance for incoming freshman University of Minnesota and they would be matched by computer random numbers and the numbers paired man always taller than woman When students came to get tickets all 4 of the ticket sellers rated physical attractiveness of buyer Then researchers took averages of the ratings Looked at other factors too but during intermission then had dates fill out survey on their dates The more attractive person the higher the ratings nothing else mattered Men report valuing physical attractiveness in a partner than women do in mate selection women look for resources What makes someone attractive Symmetry could come from evolution What features are physically attractive High level of consensus For women Baby faced features such as large eyes small nose full lips prominent cheekbones and broad smile For men Broad forehead thick eyebrows thin lips large jaw a mature and dominant face However feminine faces in men are also sometimes attractive most women find the masculine face to be more attractive when they are fertile but then consider the more feminine face to be more appealing during the rest of the month Subjective factors We look less attractive compared to models but do consider that they are photoshopped Influence of culture what is beautiful in some cultures is not attractive in other cultures and time things change over time If we have other desirable qualities and people get to know us Other appearance issues romantic red When back drop is red more likely to be perceived as more attractive or wearing red Why does physical attractiveness have such an impact Inherently rewarding and pleasant Very visible salient immediately since you don t know other information Physical attractiveness stereotype the halo effect assume they have other desirable characteristics Beauty may rub off increase prestige Evolutionary basis men and women want physically attractive partner because may suggest they are fertile In real life matching occurs swaping things Actual pairs tend to be similar in physical attractiveness But more complex matching can occur too

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ISU PSY 223 - Attraction

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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