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Hunting Gathering Collecting foraging Prehistoric Cultures Tim Roufs 2009 2013 controlled ethnographic comparisons for Ch 13 of the text Multidisciplinary Study Understanding Humans 10th Ed p 178 Glossary Ethnoarchaeology the study of contemporary cultures to help understand the archaeological record http ngm nationalgeographic com 2009 12 hadza finkel text http ngm nationalgeographic com 2009 12 hadza finkel text http ngm nationalgeographic com 2009 12 hadza finkel text A hunting party tracks a warthog that s been shot http ngm nationalgeographic com 2009 12 hadza finkel text Men butcher small antelope called dik diks near a hut in a traditional camp http ngm nationalgeographic com 2009 12 hadza finkel text 12 Nov 2007 www eurekalert org pub releases 2007 11 uosc ham111107 php While men hunt women crack baobab shells for the tart flesh within Women s contributions of fruits and tubers are more vital than game in the Hadza diet http ngm nationalgeographic com 2009 12 hadza finkel text www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pcweek12 html CEE12 http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 video Distant Mirror html http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 video Distant Mirror html www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pchunt html Hunting Gathering Homo sapiens ca 0 4 mya Homo erectus ca 1 8 mya Homo habilis Australopithecus Ramapithecus Kenyapithecus Times to Remember Chart http news nationalgeographic com news 2005 11 1110 051110 europe html Glossary controlled comparison a method in which hypotheses are tested by comparing two or more populations that are similar or identical in most respects other than that which has been defined as the independent variable Anthromorphemics Franz Boas 1916 Glossary controlled comparison in this case hunting is the independent variable Glossary ethnoarchaeology the archaeological study of contemporary cultures to help understand the archaeological record Paleoanthropology is Heavily Interdisciplinary Understanding Humans 10th Ed p 178 Glossary ethnographic analogy the method of analysis which uses contemporary cultures as models to help understand the archaeological past Humankind Emerging 7th Ed p 345 ethnographic analogy Kung San of the Kalahari Desert Ethnoarcheological Studies of Kung Lifeways Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 8th Ed p 347 www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth4616 video N ai html Hunting Gathering hunting big game hunting megafauna 100 lbs or more July 2008 July 2008 Hunting Gathering vegetarian sometimes is used erroneously to mean not eating big game animals ground meats may be collected and eaten and lots of people eat bugs worms insects etc Entomophagy video The Desert People www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pchunt html title Hunting Gathering cold climate hunters e g Inuit Eskimo have a different adaptive pattern than other hunters cold climate hunters Humankind Emerging 7th Ed p 357 Hunting Gathering hunting a leisurely life it is not hand to mouth living The Original Affluent Society Marshall Sahlins Hunting Gathering meat eating mystique psychological associations male ego sexism Hunting Gathering meat eating rapid development brain size went from 700 cc to 1200 cc hunting Hunting Gathering 99 of human s time has been that of a hunter gatherer 10 000 B C 100 Foragers Ascent to Civilization p 10 A D 1500 1 Foragers Ascent to Civilization p 10 The Hunters The Desert People A D 1982 0 001 Foragers Ascent to Civilization p 10 Hunting Gathering origins of hunting scavenging running down game esp the sick the old and the young Hunting Gathering origins of hunting scavenging running down game esp the sick the old and the young www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 video Making html title Hunting Gathering origins of hunting scavenging running down game esp the sick the old and the young Hunting Gathering origins of foraging origins of hunting simple collecting is very efficient abcnews go com Technology wireStory id 5035837 abcnews go com Technology wireStory id 5035837 www sciencedaily com releases 2007 11 071112172155 htm tidal pools www bolenhq com scubaandsnorkeling htm http tirugondar wordpress com 2008 08 03 yehliu and the yehliu geopark Panamic Fanged Blenny Ophioblennius steindachneri Adults are common and always found in tidal pools even with extreme low tides with plenty of water and a place to hide under a rock Collected in January 2008 in a dry El Tule Tidal pool Km 17 San Jose del Cabo Mexico www mexfish com fish pfblen pfblen htm www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pcweek12 html CEE12 Hunting Gathering Be that as it may Hunting Gathering meat eating becomes increasingly more important from 1 8 mya onwards with the beginning of the pleistocene and the advent of Homo erectus www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pctimes html title Hunting Gathering complex interrelated and interacting changes occurred biological cultural social Hunting Gathering complex interrelated and interacting changes occurred biological cultural social Hunting Gathering complex interrelated and interacting changes occurred biological cultural social Hunting Gathering one of the best examples of early sites Torralba Ambrona Spain 400 000 200 000 ybp Acheulian Hunting Gathering one of the best examples of early sites Torralba Ambrona Spain 400 000 200 000 ybp Acheulian Time Life Early Man p 92 People of the Earth 10th Ed p 97 Homo erectus at Torralba Ambrona Spain Time Life Early Man p 94 Hunting Gathering but the evolutionary ecology of earlier hominids and modern Homo sapiens was quite divergent Glossary controlled comparison a method in which hypotheses are tested by comparing two or more populations that are similar or identical in most respects other than that which has been defined as the independent variable Anthromorphemics Franz Boas 1916 Glossary controlled comparison in this case hunting is the independent variable Hunting Gathering The Desert People The Hunters Pfeiffer Ch 15 Pfeiffer Ch 16 Hunting Gathering The Desert People The Hunters Australian aborigines Bushmen Kung San Khoisan zhun twasi ourselves Hunting Gathering The Desert People The Hunters both are desert dwellers Major Deserts on Earth http members ozemail com au slacey deserts htm Not all deserts are like the Sahara http news bbc co uk cbbcnews Or like Egypt http www cs rice edu kdiaa Hunting Gathering The Desert People The Hunters desert dwellers Great Western Austrailian both are desert dwellers Hunting
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