UIUC SOC 100 - Families

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Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Stratification Review II Sex Sexuality and Gender III Gender What Does It Take To Be a Woman or a Man IV Women and Education V Gender in Workplace VI Women at Work VII Feminism as a Social Movement VIII Feminism as Sociology Theory IX Understanding Gender X Gender Theories Outline of Current Lecture XI Women as Warriors XII Families Through History XIII Family Structure and Social Forces XIV Family Structure and Social Forces Racial Stratification XV Family Forms and Social Forces SOC 100 1st Edition XVI XVII XVIII Family Forms and Social Forces Politics and State A Feminist Rethinking of the Family Chore Wars Current Lecture XIX Women as Warriors a Combat Exlusion i limited women to non combat roles ii Defining Combat 1 definition too broad covered position that didn t involve ground combat b Ground Combat i position where people are firing bombs and such very dangerous ii Definition of Ground Combat for Women 1 put women in ground combat very dangerous positions but they were attached not assigned to ground combat a not as many priveleges didn t get the credit 2 Example Lynn Thompson 19 years old These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best a Was driving a transport convoy and it got bombed people got injured and she got them out of danger b 1st female winner of Silver Star but wasn t assigned to combat while receiving award XX Families Through History a early modern families depended heavily on kinship networks i kindship networks systems of relationships of people related by blood and marriage ii supported themselves through widespread economic activity b the industrial revolution created a division of work and family i kinship networks weakened as people became more mobile ii men were associated with work iii women regulated the private world of managing a house and raising children 1 work for which they were not paid XXI Family Structure and Social Forces a Nuclear Family i traditional family consisting of father and mother and biological children b Extended Family i Family extended beyond nuclear family and beyond home 1 Example grandparents great grandparents c The traditional nuclear family is not a timeless and universal concept i developed in response to conditions in a specific time and place ii the post WWII FINISH d family structure reflections stratification i Endogamy 1 marriage to someone within ones social group race ethnicity class etc ii Exogamy 1 marriage to someone from a different social group XXII Family Structure and Social Forces Racial Stratification a Civil Rights Movement and Challenges to Segregation i Mostly Southern states had laws banning inter racial marriage b Loving vs Virginia supreme court case in 1967 that ended these laws i racial integrity Act of 1924 ii co habiting as man and wife against the peace and dignity of the common wealth XXIII Family Forms and Social Forces a several social and economic trends have brought about sig nificant changes in the organization of work and family life since the 1970 s i increase of divorce rates ii decrease of marriage and fertility rates iii increase of woemn in the work force b Diversity in families i about 8 of all households are occupied by couples cohabting ii no real typical family in Western society today 1 multiple generations can live together 2 step siblings half siblings 3 many single parent families 4 individuals couples can choose not to get married or not to have children XXIV Family Forms and Social Forces Politics and State a The state encourages marriage and family i marriage licensing b states doles out benefits to marriages and family relationships of which it approves i Why 1 stability for social control 2 caretaking in families 3 reproduces members of a society c Heterosexual Marriage i marriage laws implied heterosexual marriages ii states imposed constitutional bans and restrictions on marriage iii federal government refused to recognize same sex marriage iv Justifications 1 the reason we have marriage is to protect children d Political Changes i 2012 1 Windsor vs US a Partner passed away and she wanted to inherit her partner s propery but was prohibited from doing so in the US Argued she had a legal marriage from Canada 2 Perry vs Brown a Proposition 8 banned same sex marriage in California Surpreme Court in 2012 said this was unconstitutional 3 Same sex marriage becoming legal in the US e Monogamy i practice of marrying or being in a relationship with one person at a time f Polygamy i system of marriages that allows people to have more than one spouse at a time ii associated with Mourmonism XXV A Feminist Rethinking of the Family a Feminist theories suggest gender roles are learned in the family b Family can be a battleground for power over decisions about chores housing raising children spending money etc XXVI The Chore Wars a women today have two jobs i paid labor outside home ii unpaid labor inside home b second shift i unpaid labor inside home often expected of women after they get home from work ii produces instability among families

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