Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Racial Conflict II Prejudice and Discrimination and Forms of Racism III Institutional Racism IV Criminal Justice System V Stop and Frisk VI NYC s Stop and Frisk Policy VII Stop and Frisk as Institutional Racism Outline of Current Lecture VIII Stratification Review IX Sex Sexuality and Gender X Gender What Does It Take To Be a Woman or a Man XI Women and Education XII Gender in Workplace XIII Women at Work XIV Feminism as a Social Movement XV Feminism as Sociology Theory XVI Understanding Gender SOC 100 1st Edition XVII Gender Theories Current Lecture XVIII Stratification Review a hierarchies in our social oder i 3 most common in US wealth race and gender b how e produce stratification i imposed by external forces 1 institutions organizations and groups c accepted as self identity XIX Sex Sexuality and Gender a sex i natural or biological differences that distinguish males and females ii these differences aren t even differences for a small population those who are born with both male female parts b sexuality i desire sexual preference c gender These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best social construct that consists of a set of social arrangements that are built around six 1 the meaning we assign to sex differences ii we see gender in 1 family education work and culture XX Gender What Does It Take To Be a Woman or a Man a Gender Roles i sets of behavior norms assumed to accompany one status as a male or female ii evidence shows that gender roles have more to do with social status than biology iii not fixed changed over time 1 Example historically speaking soldiers were male and now becoming less and less male 2 Example metrosexuality more time spent on grooming now XXI Women and Education a studies show that gender inequality is rampant in schools b boys and girls are treated diffrent by teachers and there are different expectations for their behavior and performance c steering women towards history art english and men towards math science is still happening today in schools i teachers assume this is how it is supposed to be and push them in that direction d textbooks and other materials used in schools often reinforce gender stereotypes XXII Gender in Workplace a women still face many challenges in the working world today i Example unequal pay sexual harassment sexism tracking to certain kinds of jobs the feminization of jobs the glass ceiling and more XXIII Women at Work a Pay Equity i According to the US Census Bureau 1 womens earnings were 76 5 of mens earnings 2 mens median income 49 398 vs womens 37 791 3 African American womens earnings were 68 6 of all mens earnings 4 Lainas earnings were 57 5 of all mens earnings ii Women get paid slightly less when starting a job 1 because of the idea that women don t have to support a family iii Gap then begins to grow 1 bonuses keep men around at that job 2 mens work is valued higher than women i 3 women have to quit take time off for family rea sons b Opportunities to advance i glass ceiling 1 gender inequality in the chances of advancements into higher level of organization a not merely the proportions of people in those levels b not explained by job relevant characteristics ii glass escalator 1 men in female dominated careers often rise higher anf faster than women in male dominated fields 2 causes a career interruption b stereotypes iii opting out 1 perceived trend among mostly middle class women of leaving the workplace to be full time wives and mothers 2 Why a because of frustrations with the many obstacles they face on the job and the sense that they can find fulfillment in the home XXIV Feminism as a Social Movement a feminism i intellectual consciousness raising movement based on the idea that women and men should be accorded equal opportunities and respect b First Wave i 20th century wanted the right to vote complicated a lot of racism c Second Wave i pay equity equality of work prohibiton on sex discrimination and harassment 1 sex harassment became illegal because it became a part of sex discrimination d Third Wave i what we re going through now effort to restore the voices of the movement of women equality XXV Feminism of Sociology Theory a Feminism in Sociology i explains gender as an organizing principle of life ii gender structures social relations on unequal ground XXVI Understanding Gender a Explaining Near Universal Male Dominance women are associated with private sphere 1 Example home raising children ii women associated with nature b wide range of theories to explain gender XXVII Gender Theories a Sex Role Theory i grounded in structural functionalism 1 every society has some structures to fulfil basic functions family gender ii Nuclear family fulfills societal function of reproducing workers 1 Nuclear family requires a Dad goes to work Mom stays home OR mom performs less demanding jobs so she can take on the role of double shift i double shift working and taking care of home iii Parsons says we needed this 1 it must be this way because it performs a very important function of producing a labor pool iv Problem 1 Doesn t offer much of an explanition of why it is that way b Psychoanalyctic Theory ii women are different iii Natural Differneces between men and women that explain stratification 1 women as nurturers and ethics of caring a boys rule oriented b girls much more caring iv Essentialism v Women will make the work place nicer c Conflict Theory ii argue that patriarchal capitalists benefit through systems that subordinate women d Doing Gender ii gender is a process that people participate with every social interaction they have 1 Example conversation appearance mannerisms body language activities e Black Feminists ii gender studies must take into account that there is no single category of women or men iii Intersectionality 1 privilege and disadvantage multiply as systems of stratification intersect i 2 no laws on this
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