Study Questions Chapter 10 From Chapter 10 you should be able to read a mRNA sequence and use the genetic code to determine the amino acid sequence of a protein produced by a gene This will require being able to recognize the start and stop codons for the protein in order to recognize where the proper reading frame is located You should also be able to explain what is a promoter and terminator Chapter 15 We covered this Chapter up to the section on measuring mutation rate p 484 The key to this chapter is understanding the various types of point aka gene mutations How do point mutations affect the phenotype of a cell organism How do multiple phenotypes arise from changes in a single gene What is the difference between a mutation and a mutant Describe the different types of mutations resulting in various mutant phenotypes What is the difference between a selection and a screen and how is each used to identify mutations What is an auxotroph What is a prototroph How are auxotrophs identified How are filter enrichments and penicillin enrichments used to identify mutant organisms Explain how the fluctuation test demonstrates that mutations occur spontaneously and at random and not caused by exposure to a selective agent Answer questions 1 5 at the end of Chapter 15 Chapter 16 We covered this chapter up to the section on strategy for repair p 515 The primary focus of our coverage of this chapter is the various types of mutations that can be produced by mutagenic agents such as chemicals and radiation Be sure you understand the importance of the specificity of various mutatenic agents Why are the base paring rules important for the generation of mutations Why does it usually take two generations before a mutation is fixed in the genotype of a cell Describe how the various kinds of mutagenic agents lead to mutations Why are mutagens usually carcinogens How is the Ames test used to identify mutagenic agents What are the major types of biological repair systems employed by cells to correct mutations Answer questions 6 13 14 at the end of Chapter 16 Chapter 17 We covered Chapter 17 up to the section on the use of translocations in producing duplications and deletions p540 The main focus of the material covered in this chapter is the types of rearrangements that can occur leading to changes in chromosome structure Our focus is on the impact of these changes on the phenotype of a cell and not on the detailed mechanisms involved in generating these mutations it is still important to understand the general mechanism by which DNA fragments get rearranged i e breakage and rejoining of DNA strands What are the major types of chromosomal structural changes How does each type of structural mutation affect the phenotype survival of a cell How are structural mutations detected How can deletion mutations be used to map genes Answer questions 1 3 4 first part 6 7 8 13 at the end of Chapter 17
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