U of M ANTH 1602 - APES

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Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Class Mammalia Order Primates I PARTIAL TAXONOMIC CLASSIFICATION OF PREHISTORIC AND CONTEMPOR ARY PRIMATES 130 132 176 187 197 198 Lab 7 II Suborder Infraorder Su perfam ily Family Genus Species Prosimii Strepsirhini tree shrew insectivore lemur aye aye loris and bush baby tarsier 132 134 188 191 Anthropoidea Haplorhini C ommon Name Platyrrhini 134 136 134 138 188 191 Parapithecus basal anthropoid Apidium basal anthropoid Ceboidea Catarrhini New World monkey Propliopithecus basal catarrhine Aegyptopithecus basal catarrhine 136 138 Cercopithecoidea Cercopithecidae Macaca Papio Old World monkey macaque baboon Colobidae Colobus Presbytis colobus monkey langur Proconsulidae Proconsul Oreopithecidea Oreopithecus Hylobatidae Hylobates Pliopithecidae Pliopithecus Pongidae Dryopithecus Sivapithecus 124 126 Hominoidea 138 143 191 193 L a b 7 II D Gigantopithecus gibbon dryopithecus ramapithecus kenyapithecus ouranopithecus Pongo Panidae 202 204 213 218 228 237 241 245 Lab 8 Hominidae Pan Pan traglodytes paniscus Pan Gorilla Gorilla gorilla Ardipithecus Australopithecus1 ramidus anamensis afarensis africanus garhi aethiopicus boisei robustus platyops aka Paranthropus 1 Kenyanthropus 237 238 245 247 Ch 11 Lab 10 Chs 12 13 Lab 12 orangutan Homo1 rudolfensis habilis erectus sapiens chimpanzee bonobo pygmy chimpanzee Mountain gorilla Western lowland g Lucy First Family southern ape Zinj ER 1470 human Java Peking Man Mary John An marks groups known only through fossils Compare 1 FIGURE 6 7 Primate taxonomic classification p 131 FIGURE 6 8 Revised partial classification of the primates p 132 FIGURE 8 1 Classification chart modified from Linnaeus p 177 FIGURE 8 15 Major events in early primate evolution p 191 Virtual Lab 1 section II parts A D Primate Classification Note Australopithecus and Paranthropus make up a Subfamily called Australopithecinae more commonly known as Australopithecines The genus Homo is in the subfamily called Homininae more commonly known as Hominine Prehistoric and Contemporary Primates page 2 II A COMPARISON OF APES AND HUMANS Characteristic Gibbons Orangutan Chimpanzee Gorilla Human Hylobatidae Pongo pygmaeus Pan troglodytes Gorilla gorilla Homo sapiens Number of species 4 species 15 subspecies 1 species 2 subspecies 2 or 3 species 1 or 2 species 3 or 2 Subspecies 2 or 1 subspecies 1 species Average Height 2 3 ft 4 8 ft male 3 0 ft female 5 0 ft male 4 3 ft female 6 0 ft male 4 3 ft female 5 6 5 8 ft male 4 11 to 5 3 ft female Average Weight 11 to 24 lbs 82 to 179 lbs 73 to 132 lbs 150 to 450 lbs 146 200 lbs male 100 126 lbs female Female body weight as of male body weight 94 46 78 51 81 Social Unit Small family units of 2 to 6 Small family bands least gregarious males may live alone Family bands of about six often join other bands very gregarious Family bands less gregarious than chimpazees Families bands clans tribes chiefdoms sovereign states Monogamous families Mother and infant lone males Multimale multifemale dispersed community fusion fission Unimale or multimale with one dominant silverback male also lone males multifemale Multimale multifemale community fusion fission Group Size Adult pair and 1 or 2 offspring 2 mother and offspring 20 105 2 34 25 500 Home Range 0 08 0 2 mi22 0 2 0 5 km 2 215 mi2 0 4 6 km2 2 115 mi2 2 5 560 km 1 9 3 1 mi2 2 4 9 8 1 km varied Habitat Forest Indonesian jungles Deciduous Lowland and herbivorous mostly woodland mountain rain forest frugiverous diet omnivorous mostly and bamboo forest frugivorous diet Diet Food Habits Mostly leaves Predominantly fruit grass fruits also eaters some leaves insects snails and bark frogs young birds eggs Essentially vegetarian fruits leaves shoots buds Completely vegetarian young leaves berries bark roots grains fruit Omnivorous Cranial Capacity 3 98 125 cm 103 cm3 avg 3 276 540 cm 377 cm3 avg 285 500 3cm3 383 cm avg 340 572 3cm3 505 cm avg 1150 17503 cm3 1325 cm avg Age at Sexual Maturity 5 to 8 years 10 to 12 years 7 to 12 years 7 to 10 years 10 to 17 years Gestation Period 200 to 212 days 233 days 202 to 261 days 231 average 268 days 280 days Average Longevity in captivity 30 yrs 55 yrs 50 yrs 50 yrs 75 yrs American Est Population 200 000 5 000 100 000 15 000 varied tropics to arctic 6 billion A D 2000 Sources Bernard G Campbell and James D Loy Humankind Emerging 8th ed Boston Allyn and Bacon 2000 pp 121 98 106 162 Ruth Moore et al Evolution New York Time Life Books 1964 p 185 John E Pfeiffer The Emergence of Humankind 4th ed NY Harper Row 1985 p 194 Compare Characteristics of Primates pp 120 123 Primate Adaptations pp 124 130 Primate Taxonomy pp 130 132 Ch 7 Primate Behavior pp 148 169 Virtual Lab 1 section III parts A B Primate Distribution and Habitats Virtual Lab 1 section IV parts A D Primate Biology Virtual Lab 3 sections I IV Primate Functional Morphology Virtual Lab 4 sections I III Primates in Motion Virtual Lab 5 sections I IV Primate Diets and Feeding Behaviors Virtual Lab 6 sections I IV Primate Behavior The Ethogram Virtual Lab 7 sections I IV Primate Evolution Prehistoric and Contemporary Primates page 3 III GENERAL FEATURES AND MAJOR EVOLUTIONARY TRENDS OF APES AND HUMANS 138 145 Important Terms anthropoids hominoids hominids 1 As a group the apes have been the subject of much mythology and many misconceptions 2 Dental Apes appeared first in the Oligocene ca 33 mya 1 Dental apes are apes with monkey like bodies who did not hang or swing These include Apidium and Aegyptopithecus Holocene Pleistocene Pliocene 183 191 193 191 193 191 193 Began mya 2 0 012 1 8 5 Miocene Oligocene 23 34 Eocene Paleocene 55 65 3 True apes probably originated in the early Miocene period ca 20 to 17 mya Apes flourished in the later part of the Miocene 15 to 5 mya 4 Well represented in the fossil record by such forms as Sivapithecus 191 193 Ramapithecus Kenyapithecus Ouranopithecus Dryopithecus Proconsul Oreopithecus Pilopithecus Gigantopithecus and others 139 143 5 The three great apes chimpanzee orangutan and gorilla probably shared a common ancestor with hominids although the approximate time of separation and the physical nature of the ancestral lineage are still the subject of much scholarly debate The split from the Homo line was probably ca 13 mya for the orangutans and 5 7 mya for chimps gorillas hominids modern humans and their nearest predecessors Homo sapiens early Homo Australopithecus and Paranthropus 6 As a group the apes are quite variable

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U of M ANTH 1602 - APES

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