UIUC SOC 100 - Socialization

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Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Media II Media Effects on Dominant Culture III Media as a Mechanism for Hegemony IV Media Effects V Media and Consumerism VI Media and Stereotypes VII Media as Means of Resistance Outline of Current Lecture VIII Socialization IX What Makes Us Human X Theories of Socialization XI Privacy XII Mechanisms for Developing Sense of Self XIII Agents of Socialization XIV Mechanisms of Socialization XV Surveillance in Schools Current Lecture XVI Socialization a What is it SOC 100 1st Edition process by which individuals internalize the values beliefs and norms of a given society and learn to function as a member of society XVII What Makes Us Human a something do with biology and physical equipment i how our body is structured ii how are brain develops b social interaction also makes us human i this is very important in making us human c Turing Test i idea to try to get an artificial intelligence to fool a human into thinking that it is human ii set up social interactions between a human being and computer by having a conversation 1 computer tries to conduct a conversation to convince a human that it is human a but fails every time because computers have no voice or facial expressions to show XVIII Theories of Socialization i These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute a Development of Self i have to develop individual identity 1 core ideas of identity a sense of power and agency the I b the way others perceive me the me i based on other peoples expectations of b XIX a b XX a b XXI a us and how they evaluate us ii using other people as a mirror 1 when we like how other people look at us we repeat that behavior that is making them do so Development of Other i someone or or something outside of oneself ii Generalized other 1 internalized sense of the total expectations of others in a variety of settings iii Allows us to function and adapt to a variety of social situations Privacy drawing a boundary around the self and protecting it from the other or the right to be left alone i we have parts of our identity that we block off from others ii the boundary is getting penetrated by a lot of different things boundary is becoming more permeable 1 Example technology Mechanisms for Developing Sense of Self Games i while playing children learn to recognize one another and distinguish between self and other ii games are where they learn the difference between I and the other iii they learn people can have multiple roles Technology i Quantified Self Social Movement 1 quantifying every aspects of one s life 2 using technology to acquire data on aspects of a person s daily life to improve quality of life a Example Health and Wellness Personal and Productivity Education Agents of Socialization Families i parents teach children how to behave and interact ii children introduce parents to different social circles iii class differences in parenting 1 Example middle class parenting talk to their children a lot more than working class parents who leaving their kids alone a talking to children has proved to lead to positive outcomes b Peers i peers produce conformity c Adult Socialization i socialization continues once you become an adult 1 Example changing jobs with different expectations and norms d Schools i social practices that allow us to get along with others 1 Example sharing sitting still taking turns ii foster social value 1 Example patriotism the pledge and conflict resolu tion not throwing a punch when mad iii linking individuals to social network XXII Mechanisms of Socialization a surveillance i set of social practices designed to observe what you do XXIII Surveillance in Schools a Biometric Screening i measurement of physical characteristics 1 Example fingerprinting ii schools are using these in a variety of contexts to track behavior 1 Example attendance checking out library books cafeterias iii What do we learn 1 cooperation 2 normalization b School Security i significance of police presence 1 deter crime 2 role models 3 school to person pipeline a criminal punishment for school rule breaking i likelihood increases in schools with low income students and racial and ethnic minorities ii What do we learn 1 the world is a dangerous place iii Testing 1 form of surveillance a Example standardized testing creates mea sures of whether or not you ve learned b impact on students and teachers

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