U of M ANTH 1602 - Darwin and Wallace

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2010 2013 http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 2010 2013 http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 Important People Works Charles Darwin 1809 1882 Origin of Species 1859 Descent of Man 1871 Charles Darwin as a young man Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 8th ed p 30 Charles Darwin five years before publication of Origin of Species Understanding Humans 11th ed p 26 The Darwin home Down House in the village of Down Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 8th ed p 28 Charles Darwin Journey Journeyon on The The Beagle Beagle 1831 1831 1836 1836 In 1839 Charles Darwin married his first cousin Emma Wedgwood Daughter of the younger Josiah Wedgwood son of the Josiah Wedgwood who founded the pottery works Darwin s mother Susannah was the sister of his wife s father 1831 1835 The route of the HMS Beagle Understanding Humans 11th ed p 27 http news bbc co uk 1 hi sci tech 2415261 stm www rit edu rhrsbi GalapagosPages DarwinFinch html Beak variation in Darwin s Gal pagos finches Understanding Humans 11th ed p 28 Beak variation in Darwin s Gal pagos finches Understanding Humans 10th ed p 27 www honoluluzoo org galapagos tortoise htm www news com au story 0 10117 16864720 13762 00 html news bbc co uk 2 hi asia pacific 5109342 stm Eventually Darwin asked the question Why would God make a separate species for each island Theory of Natural Selection Observation 1 Without environmental pressures every species tends to multiply in geometric progression Thomas Malthus Essay on the Principle of Population 1798 and others Theory of Natural Selection population when unchecked grows in a geometric ratio population if unchecked the human population will double every 25 years because of geometric progression 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 Theory of Natural Selection Arithmatic 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 n Geometric X 2 2 4 8 16 32 64 n Theory of Natural Selection Potential exponential increase of populations superfecundity Thomas Malthus 1798 and others Thomas Malthus Understanding Humans 11th ed p 24 http news bbc co uk 2 hi europe 6287228 stm www dnr state mn us fwt back issues september00 article3 html www duluthsuperior com mld duluthsuperior news local 14423504 htm 02 July 2002 news nationalgeographic com news 2002 07 0702 020702 snakehead html In 2 years 2 snakeheads bred to 1000 in a 4 acre pond Duluth News Tribune Thursday 19 September 2002 2A In 2 years 2 snakeheads bred to 1000 in a 4 acre pond p 2D p 5D Duluth News Tribune Thursday 14 October 2004 Theory of Natural Selection Observation 2 But under field conditions although fluctuations occur frequently the size of a population remains remarkable constant over long periods of time Source Universal observations ublib buffalo edu libraries projects cases Isle html http www duluthsuperior com mld duluthsuperior news local 14064838 htm Isle Royale moose wolf continue decline TREND CONTINUES The battle between predator and prey on Lake Superior s largest island is turning out to be a lose lose situation this winter as wolf and moose numbers continue a downward spiral xxx Isle Royale moose wolf continue decline John Myers Duluth News Tribune 03 08 2007 The battle between predator and prey on Lake Superior s largest island is turning out to be a lose lose situation this winter as wolf and moose numbers continue a downward spiral Isle Royale moose numbers crashed another 15 percent from the 2006 record low level of 450 at just 385 animals Wolf numbers declined nearly one third from 30 to 21 Moose on the island are dying for a variety of reasons including hot summers infestations of ticks and relentless hunting pressure from remaining wolves said John Vucetich an assistant professor at Michigan Technological University in Houghton who helped conduct this winter s survey With fewer moose to eat wolves are battling and killing each other over the right to the remaining moose xxx Theory of Natural Selection Observation 3 Limits are placed on population expansion by limited environmental resources Source observations reinforced by Malthus Theory of Natural Selection Conclusion 1 Therefore not all organisms will survive to adulthood and reproduce therefore there must be a struggle for existence Author of inference Thomas Malthus Theory of Natural Selection Observation 4 Not all members of a species are alike that is there exists considerable individual uniqueness and variation Source Animal breeders taxonomists Understanding Humans 11th ed p 86 Understanding Humans 10th ed p 89 Theory of Natural Selection Observation 5 Parents often pass their individual variations on to their offspring Source Animal breeders taxonomists Theory of Natural Selection Conclusion 2 Hence in the struggle for existence individuals featuring favorable variations will enjoy a competitive advantage over others Theory of Natural Selection and they will survive in proportionately greater numbers and will produce offspring in increasingly greater numbers Genghis Khan Khagan of Mongol Empire Khan of the Mongols http en wikipedia org wiki Genghis khan Ismail the Bloodthirsty http en wikipedia org wiki Ismail the Bloodthirsty Theory of Natural Selection There is differential reproduction and differential survival i e natural selection Author of inference Darwin Theory of Natural Selection Conclusion 3 Through the action of natural selection over many generations a species could evolve Author of inference Darwin Natural Selection The principle mechanism of Darwinian evolutionary change by which the individuals best adapted to the environment contributed more offspring to succeeding generations than others do Natural Selection As more of such individuals characteristics are incorporated into the gene pool the characteristics of the population evolve Glossary evolution 1 A change in the genetic structure of a population 2 The term is also frequently used to refer to the appearance of a new species Glossary evolution Modern genetic definition a change in the frequency of alleles one of a group of genes from one generation to the next Evolution cumulative changes in the average characteristics of a population that occur over many generations Important People Works Charles Darwin 1809 1882 Origin of Species 1859 Important People Works Charles Darwin 1809 1882 On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life 1859 Glossary biospecies paleospecies chronospecies biospecies Paul H Ristau driving a mule drawn

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U of M ANTH 1602 - Darwin and Wallace

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