U of M ANTH 1602 - History of Though - Darwin and Wallace

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History of Though Darwin and Wallace University of Minnesota Duluth Tim Roufs http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 2010 2013 History of Thought to 1859 Charles Lyell Charles Darwin or how to make sense out of Ch 2 and Ch 3 of the text Major Periods in the History of Physical Anthropology Pre Scientific Period to 1859 Period of Evolutionism and Concern over Races 1860 ca 1940 The Period Since WW II Major Periods in the History of Physical Anthropology Pre Scientific Period to 1859 Period of Evolutionism and Concern over Races 1860 ca 1940 The Period Since WW II Major problems in Pre Scientific Period 1 Humans were thought to have had ancient origins corresponding to the time of the creation of the earth 2 Earth was thought of as a Young Place Glossary creationism The belief that humans and all life forms were specially created by God or some other divine force Glossary catastrophism George Cuvier s theory that the earth s geological landscape is the result of violent cataclysmic events vast floods and other disasters wiped out ancient life forms again and again 11th ed p 23 Understanding Humans 11th ed p 23 Cuvier explained the fossil record as the result of a succession of catastrophes followed by new creation events Understanding Humans 10th ed p 25 Glossary evolution 1 A change in the genetic structure of a population 2 The term is also frequently used to refer to the appearance of a new species Glossary evolution Modern genetic definition A change in the frequency of alleles i e genes from one generation to the next creation and evolution are not mutually exclusive Older Evolutionary Ideas Example Titus Lucretius ca 99 55 B C De Rerum Natura On the Nature of Things Older Evolutionary Ideas Titus Lucretius Gave us the classical version of the evolution of human culture and the concept of a lowly beginning for man sic followed by the growth of material culture social order religion and language E A Hoebel Older Evolutionary Ideas Example Titus Lucretius ca 99 55 B C Example Genesis Account of Cr eation Older Evolutionary Ideas Example Titus Lucretius ca 99 55 B C Example Genesis Account of Cr eation Major problems in Pre Scientific Period 1 Humans were thought to have had ancient origins corresponding to the time of the creation of the earth 2 Earth was thought of as a Young Place Important People Works Archbishop James Ussher of Ireland 1581 1656 in 1650 proclaimed Earth was Created in 4004 B C Archbishop James Ussher 1581 1656 http en wikipedia org wiki James Ussher Adam and Eve Albrecht D rer 1507 http en wikipedia org wiki File Albrecht D C3 BCrer 002 jpg Widespread Idea of the 17th and 18th Centuries Ladder of Perfection aka The Great Chain of Being aka Scala Naturae http www mlahanas de Greeks Evolution htm www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pchistory html title Important People Works Linnaeus aka Karl Von Linnae 1707 1778 Systema Naturae 1758 Carl von Linn Carl Linnaeus 1707 1778 http en wikipedia org wiki Linnaeus Carl von Linn Carl Linnaeus 1758 Basic Concepts genus species variety Animalia Homo sapiens sapiens Animalia Gorilla gorilla gorilla binomial nomenclature Classification chart modified from Linnaeus Understanding Humans 10th ed p 101 Glossary taxonomy the branch of science concerned with the rules of classifying organisms on the basis of evolutionary relationships Glossary taxon a unit group in taxonomy taxon www newscientist com news news jsp id ns99996369 www livescience com history 071113 linnaeus book html Important People Works Early Discoverers of Prehistoric Evidence Important People Works Isaac de la Peyr re 1655 John Friedrich Esper 1771 John Frere 1790 Philippe Charles Schmerling 1830 Father John MacEnery 1829 Kent s Cavern Devonshire Important People Works Isaac de la Peyr re 1655 John Friedrich Esper 1771 John Frere 1790 Philippe Charles Schmerling 1830 Father John MacEnery 1829 Kent s Cavern Devonshire Important People Works Isaac de la Peyr re 1655 John Friedrich Esper 1771 John Frere 1790 Philippe Charles Schmerling 1830 Father John MacEnery 1829 Kent s Cavern Devonshire Important People Works Isaac de la Peyr re 1655 John Friedrich Esper 1771 John Frere 1790 Philippe Charles Schmerling 1830 Father John MacEnery 1829 Kent s Cavern Devonshire Important People Works Isaac de la Peyr re 1655 John Friedrich Esper 1771 John Frere 1790 Philippe Charles Schmerling 1830 Father John MacEnery 1829 Kent s Cavern Devonshire Important People Works Isaac de la Peyr re 1655 John Friedrich Esper 1771 John Frere 1790 Philippe Charles Schmerling 1830 Father John MacEnery 1829 Kent s Cavern Devonshire http www kents cavern co uk www kents cavern co uk http www kents cavern co uk 1903 2003 as a visitor attraction These caves were first lived in 700 000 years ago http www bbc co uk devon news features 2003 kents cavern shtml http news sciencemag org sciencenow 2012 08 the mysterious affair at kents html http news bbc co uk 2 hi uk news england devon 8253091 stm http news bbc co uk 2 hi uk news england devon 8188406 stm http news bbc co uk 2 hi science nature 8188601 stm http news bbc co uk 2 hi science nature 8188601 stm Important People Works Isaac de la Peyr re 1655 John Friedrich Esper 1771 Back Father Johnto Frere 1790MacEnery Philippe Charles Schmerling 1830 Father John MacEnery 1829 Kent s Cavern Devonshire 37 000 40 000 ybp BBC News article Kent s Cavern Kent s Hole Torquay Devonshire SW England Kent s Cavern Kent s Hole Torquay Devonshire SW England Recreation of a human settlement at Kents Cavern Devon http www infobritain co uk Ancient Britain History htm This handaxe was found in the lowest deposits in the cave The damage to the edges suggests that it was moved by natural processes after it was discarded by humans The same deposit contained remains of a bear which has been extinct in Britain for 450 000 years Kent s Cavern Devon England 500 000 B C http www worldtimelines org uk world british isles england south west 500000 8500BC kentscavern This handaxe was found in the lowest deposits in the cave The damage to the edges suggests that it was moved by natural processes after it was discarded by humans The same deposit remains of a bear which has been extinct in Britain for 450 000 years Kent s Cavern contained Devon England 500 000 B C http www worldtimelines org uk world british isles england south west 500000 8500BC kentscavern Important People Works Early Discovery of Prehistoric Evidence thunderstones Hand Ax 1715 Grayes Inn Lane

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U of M ANTH 1602 - History of Though - Darwin and Wallace

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