Missouri S&T BIO SCI 231 - General Genetics Exam 1

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General Genetics Exam 1 Name Multiple Choice Choose the one best answer 1 pt 1 Starting with a P generation with the following genotypes AABB x aabb Based on classical Mendelian inheritance what is the expected phenotypic ratio observed among the F2 progeny a 9 3 3 1 b 1 2 1 c 3 1 d 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 2 The technique used to separate molecules on the basis of their different rates of movement in an electric field is known as a b c d e gel electrophoresis gradient centrifugation ultracentrifugation Southern hybridization PCR 3 In a cross of a yellow hybrid pea with a true breeding yellow parent Gg x GG what genotypic proportions would be observed in the offspring a b c d Half heterozygous half homozygous dominant Half yellow half green All heterozygous All yellow 4 Having an attached earlobe results from an autosomal recessive allele designated a Two parents with unattached earlobes have a child with attached earlobes What is the probability that their next child will have attached earlobes What is the probability that the next child will be a girl with attached earlobes a 1 2 1 4 b 1 4 1 2 c 1 4 1 8 d 1 8 1 4 5 Start with a P generation with the following genotypes AABB x aabb I f A long fur and a short fur and B Long tail and b short tail what phenotypic class would be observed in the highest proportion in the F2 generation a b c d long fur short tail long fur long tail short fur short tail short fur long tail 6 The process of producing a RNA polymer from a DNA template is called a b c d replication transcription translation duplication 7 What is the probability that on three flips of a coin heads will occur on two flips and tails on one a 1 4 b 1 2 c 3 16 d 3 8 8 Starting with a cross between parents P generation with BB and bb genotypes the proportion of heterozygotes in the F2 progeny will be a b c d e 1 8 1 4 1 3 1 2 All heterozygotes 9 In crosses involving two different unlinked traits the ratio 9 3 3 1 indicates a b c d Codominance Independent assortment Intermediate dominance Three alleles for each trait 10 The chemical bonds in DNA by which the sugar components of adjacent nucleotides are linked through the phosphate groups are called bonds a b c d e phosphodiester hydrogen hydrophobic hydrophilic ionic 11 What genotype is present most often among the progeny F2 of a dihybrid cross AaBb X AaBb a AaBb b AABb c AABB d aabb e AAbb 12 Which of the following is not an essential attribute that a biological molecule would need to be a useful genetic material a It must carry all of the information needed to direct the specific organization and metabolic activities of the cell b It must replicate accurately so that the information it contains is precisely inherited by the daughter cells c It must be capable of undergoing occasional mutations such that the information it carries is altered in a heritable way d It must have highly repetitive DNA sequences e All are essential attributes of useful genetic material 13 In a F1 dihybrid cross WwGg X WwGg where W round w wrinkled G yellow and g green what is the probability of obtaining an individual that is round green and true breeding for both traits a 1 16 b 1 2 c 9 16 d 3 16 e 1 4 14 The basic structure of a nucleotide includes the following components a b c d e amino acids tryptophan and leucine base sugar phosphate mRNA rRNA tRNA phosphorous and sulfur 15 The sequence of one strand of DNA is 5 GATCGA 3 The sequence of the complementary strand would be a b c d e 5 AGCTAG 3 5 TCGATC 3 5 CTAGCT 3 5 GCTAGC 3 5 GATCGA 3 16 What ratios genotypic or phenotypic typically result from crosses dealing with a single genetic locus a b c d 9 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 9 7 12 3 1 e 15 1 1 2 17 Probabilities are calculated using the addition rule when they a b c d are equally likely are independent are mutually exclusive occur disproportionately 18 Mr and Mrs Granger are normal Muggles non magical but their daughter Hermione has magical powers They think this is pretty cool and would like to have another child with magical powers Assuming that magical powers is a classical Mendelian trait what is the probability that their next child will be another girl with magical powers a 1 2 b 1 4 c 1 8 d 3 4 e 3 8 19 Mr and Mrs Granger from the previous question soon learn that Mrs Granger is pregnant with dizygotic twins What is the probability that one of them will have magical powers a 1 2 b 1 4 c 1 8 d 1 16 e 1 64 20 Considering the structure of double stranded DNA what kinds of bonds hold one complementary strand to the other a b c d ionic covalent Van der Waals hydrogen 21 Probabilities are calculated using the multiplication rule when they a b c d Are equally likely Are independent Are mutually exclusive Occur disproportionately 22 Genotype is to DNA as phenotype is to a b c d e Genotype Proteins Expressivity RNA Mutation 23 A variety of rose can have white or red flowers and long or short thorns A cross between red short thorned roses and white long thorned roses produce all red short thorned roses Using the gene symbols W for red w for white L for short thorned and l for long thorned what would be the genotype of a white long thorned rose a WWLL b wwLL c wwll d not enough information 24 In the previous question question 23 how many different gametes will a white long thorned rose produce a 1 b 2 c 4 d 16 25 In question 23 how many different gametes will the F1 roses produce a 1 b 2 c 4 d 8 26 What would be the dimensions of a Punnett square for the cross Ww x ww a b c d 4x4 2x2 2x1 1x1 27 The Hershey and Chase experiment which offered evidence in support of DNA being the genetic material in bacteriophage made use of the following labeled components a b c d phosphorous and sulfur nitrogen and oxygen tritium hydrogen 28 Microbiologist who used Streptococcus pneumnia to demonstrated that DNA was the genetic material a b c d e Oswald Avery Herbert Boyer Rosalind Franklin Barbara McClintock James Watson 29 The process of producing an amino acid polymer polypeptide from a RNA template is called a b c d replication transcription translation duplication 30 In dihybrid crosses the ratio 9 3 3 1 indicates a b c …

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Missouri S&T BIO SCI 231 - General Genetics Exam 1

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