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Class Slides Set 21 Tools and Technologies II University of Minnesota Duluth Tim Roufs http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 2010 2013 or how to make sense out of Ch 12 of the text Tools and Technologies II Making and Using Lithic Tools www napa ufl edu 2003news womentoolmakers htm contact Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture basic too uses Upper Paleolithic traditions Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture basic too uses Upper Paleolithic traditions Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture basic too uses Upper Paleolithic traditions Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture basic stone tooon uses stone Upper baton Paleolithic techniquetraditions pressure flaking Glossary all of the techniques are based on the cone principle Cone Fractures Lithic Technology Tools for Life Brian M Fagan and George H Michaels Fagan People of the Earth 10th Ed p 62 Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture stone on stone baton technique pressure flaking Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture stone on stone baton technique pressure flaking Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture stone on stone anvilstone hammerstone Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture stone on stone anvilstone hammerstone Life Nature Library Early Man p 110 Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture stone on stone anvilstone hammerstone Direct percussion striking a core with a hammerstone Understanding Humans 11th Ed p 299 Percussion flaking using a hammer stone and punch Understanding Humans 11th Ed p 299 Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture stone on stone baton technique pressure flaking Life Nature Library Early Man p 111 Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture stone on stone baton technique pressure flaking Pressure flaking using an antler tip Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 8th Ed p 351 Pressure flaking Understanding Humans 11th Ed p 299 Life Nature Library Early Man p 111 Glossary blade flakes blade points other blade tools Glossary making blades using the Levallois technique is the culture the technique is called Levallois Cultural periods of the European Upper Paleolithic Understanding Humans 10th ed p 257 http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pctimes html Pleistocene Subdivisions Archaeological Industries and Hominids Understanding Humans 10th ed p 267 The Levallois technique Understanding Humans 10 th ed p 265c The Levallois technique Understanding Humans 11th ed p 261 The Levallois technique Understanding Humans 11th ed p 261 Glossary making blades using the punch blade technique from a prepared core Pressure flaking Understanding Humans 11th Ed p 299 The punch blade technique Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 9th Ed p 291 The punch blade technique Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 9th Ed p 291 The punch blade technique Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 9th Ed p 291 The punch blade technique Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 9th Ed p 291 prismatic blade The punch blade technique Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 9th Ed p 291 Lithic Tools and Technologies from blades other types of tools are made The Emergence of Man Time Life 1973 p 87 Burin Understanding Humans 11th Ed p 299 fluting Life Nature Library Early Man p 113 Lithic Tools and Technologies steps in making stone tools increase in number over time Humankind Emerging 7th Ed p 432 Lithic Tools and Technologies stone tool effectiveness National Geographic November 1985 Lithic Tools and Technologies efficient of use of raw materials improves Brian Fagan People of the Earth 10th Ed p 102 Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture basic too uses Upper Paleolithic traditions Braidwood Prehistoric Men 2nd Ed Chicago Natural History Museum 1951 p 65 Life Nature Library Early Man p 115 Life Nature Library Cro Magnon p 87 Braidwood Prehistoric Men 2nd Ed Chicago Natural History Museum 1951 p 66 Life Nature Library Early Man p 114 www hominids com donsmaps lioncamp html The Emergence of Man Time Life 1973 p 89 Braidwood Prehistoric Men 2nd Ed Chicago Natural History Museum 1951 p 67 Life Nature Library Early Man p 115 Trimming Wood with flint Ascent to Civilization p 95 Braidwood Prehistoric Men 2nd Ed Chicago Natural History Museum 1951 p 68 Life Nature Library Early Man p 114 Braidwood Prehistoric Men 2nd Ed Chicago Natural History Museum 1951 p 69 Life Nature Library Cro Magnon p 87 Braidwood Prehistoric Men 2nd Ed Chicago Natural History Museum 1951 p 71 Braidwood Prehistoric Men 2nd Ed Chicago Natural History Museum 1951 p 71 Life Nature Library Early Man p 114 Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture basic too uses and sometimes it is difficult to determine just exactly what a tool is used for Lithic Tools and Technologies lithic tools basic types basic techniques of manufacture basic too uses and sometimes it is difficult to determine just exactly what a tool is used for www wengerna com browse product jsp prod id 1260 cat id 1 sub cat id 23 Lithic Tools and Technologies technical terms abound papageienschnabelklingenedhohlkratzerb ohrerschraber Lithic Tools and Technologies spears Magdalenian Braidwood Prehistoric Men 2nd Ed Chicago Natural History Museum 1951 p 73 is the culture the technique is called Levallois Cultural periods of the European Upper Paleolithic Understanding Humans 10th Ed p 257 is the culture Neandertal Cultural periods of the European Upper Paleolithic Understanding Humans 10th Ed p 257 www newscientist com news news jsp id ns99993085 Braidwood Prehistoric Men 2nd Ed Chicago Natural History Museum 1951 p 72 Braidwood Prehistoric Men 2nd Ed Chicago Natural History Museum 1951 p 73 Magdalenian Spear thrower atlatl Note the carving Understanding Humans 11th Ed p 298 www worldatlatl org Lithic Tools and Technologies and sometimes the prehistoric uses may have been different than the ones that immediately come to mind
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