NTDT200 NUTRITON CONCEPTS FALL 2013 Dr Alisha Rovner INSTRUCTIONS DIET ANALYSIS PROJECT Step I Record your dietary intake 1 Print out the following files found on Sakai listed under the Diet Analysis folder The files include 1 Diet Analysis Project 2 Instructions Diet Project 3 Diet Records and 4 Sample Diet Record 2 Record your dietary intake for THREE full days midnight to midnight on the Diet Record sheets this is part of the Personal Dietary Analysis Assignment Pick any two TYPICAL WEEK DAYS and one TYPICAL WEEKEND DAY You do not want to record your diet on a day that your dietary intake is out of the ordinary such as a holiday Note Do NOT create your own logs or write them on notepaper You must use the Diet Record Sheets 3 Recording your food intake correctly 1 Use the Dietary Intake Records to write down EVERYTHING you eat and drink for the three days you have chosen 2 Be sure that two days are weekdays and one is a weekend day 3 Include all the beverages you consume including alcohol and water 4 Record your vitamin and mineral supplements but DO NOT enter them into the program They will be addressed separately in the diet project packet 5 Be sure to include all sauces gravies dressings cream and sugar for coffee etc as these items often contribute significantly to your total kcalorie intake 6 Estimate the portion size that you consumed Rules of thumb for estimating are listed on page 45 of your textbook You can also use the How much is a cup or ounce pages on the MyPlate website In the software you will see an option for entering the amount of food in servings in addition to cups ounces etc These are the suggested serving sizes from MyPlate 1 oz of grains etc Remember Portion size is not always equal to serving size 7 The most accurate results from this project will be obtained if you write down what you eat and drink soon after your meal rather than trying to remember what you ate several days later Bring the diet sheets with you so you can record food and beverages as you eat and drink them 8 Remember to write down the brand name if your food had one and how it was prepared e g 2 eggs scrambled fried in vegetable oil 9 If you went to a fast food restaurant write down the name of the restaurant next to the food you ate there Step II Printout from Computer Dietary Analysis Program 1 Access the diet analysis program Pin Code for access to the Online version 10 0 of Diet Analysis Plus online software is located at http daplus wadsworth com Set up your account by going to www cengage com login On the left side of the screen click create a new student account Follow the instructions by first entering the access code found on the inside of the card you purchased When creating your user name do not use symbols such as an apostrophe 1 as this creates a problem when printing Once the account is set up log in by using the e mail address you provided during registration 2 After accessing DAP Diet Analysis Plus you should be on a Getting Started screen where you can create your profile and get acquainted to the program Select Click Here for a Quick Start Tutorial at the top of the page to learn how to use the program Do NOT send any quizzes to me when you finish the tutorial 3 Create my primary profile on the getting started home screen by entering the required information Continue to answer questions it is usually best NOT to check use long activity questionnaire but instead indicate your activity level Remember it is best to underestimate your activity level At any time you can update the information by going to the Home screen and clicking manage profiles 4 Click the Track Diet button to enter the foods you have eaten Select three calendar dates to enter foods On your dietary intake records write down the calendar date you choose to enter that day s food on Use the find foods function to enter the food you want to find Try to find the food in the list that most closely matches what you ate For some foods you may need to break the food down into its separate components and find each one A sandwich is a good example you ll need to look up the bread any cheese condiments meat toppings etc You can use the custom foods and recipes link if you wish to save this meal item and use again ie If you want to use the food twice Click the Search Tips link to get some tips to help you search if you are having trouble finding a food Use the information button i next to a food to get a pop up with its nutrition information Click on the name of the food to add it to your list of eaten foods A pop up will come up asking you to enter the portion size Select which unit of measurement you want to use cups ounces etc and enter the number of units of food that you ate See above Step I number 3 for tips on how to accurately record your food intake Click on one of the meal buttons breakfast lunch dinner or snack to put your food in the list at the proper place After you enter a food you can click the x button next to a food in the Foods Eaten list to remove it from your list You may use the Create a Food and Create a Recipe functions to enter foods not in the database You do not need to remember to save your data when using the online version It saves the data automatically for you and you should be able to access it from any computer with an Internet connection 2 5 To PRINT the required reports follow the directions below Once in the correct report select Print PDF Once the PDF is created click print a Click on the Reports tab Print the following reports Intake Spreadsheet for EACH day Select the correct date on the left of the screen and make sure all meals are checked off Intake vs Goals for EACH day Intake vs Goals for 3 day average make the start date the first day you logged food the end date the last day you logged food MyPlate Analysis for EACH day MyPlate Analysis for 3 day average make the start date the first day you logged food the end date the last day you logged food To print a copy of your profile DRI goals click DRI Report Macronutrient Ranges print for chosen day Fat breakdown print for chosen day 6 Need help Try these steps in this order Click on the Help button at the right corner of the DAP screen to get the User Guide At the bottom of the User Guide is contact information for DAP and technical support from the …
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