UD NTDT 200 - NTDT200 Chaper 6 Review Questions

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Chapter 6 Review 1 How are proteins similar to fats and carbohydrates in terms of their chemical composition What atom does proteins contain that fat and carbohydrates don t Contain C H and O but also N Amino acids o C o H o Amino nitrogen containing group NH2 o Acid group COOH o Side group side chain 2 What do all amino acids contain What differentiates one amino acid from another C H Amino group Acid group Side group chain Differences in side groups cause differences in characteristics electrical charge shape and size 3 What are essential amino acids and how many are there Essential amino acids are amino acids that your body cannot make at all or in sufficient quantitates There are 9 essential amino acids and 11 non essential amino acids 4 Describe the primary secondary tertiary and quaternary structure of a protein Primary linear arrangement of amino acids in a protein and the location of covalent linkages such as disulfide bonds between amino acids Secondary areas of folding or coiling within a protein Tertiary the final three dimensional structure of a protein which results from a large number of non covalent interactions between amino acids Quaternary non covalent interactions that bind multiple polypeptides into a single larger protein Hemoglobin has quaternary structure due to the association of two alpha globin and two beta globin polypeptides 5 Describe the structure of hemoglobin Quaternary structure due to the association of two alpha globin and two beta globin polypeptides 6 Explain protein denaturation and give an example that can occur with a food and in the body Denaturation is a change in protein shape and consequent loss of function ex egg white hardening whipping curdling of milk in acid 7 Describe positive and nitrogen balance Positive nitrogen body synthesizing more than it is degrading occurs in growing infants children adolescents and pregnant women Negative body degrading more than it is synthesizing persons who are starving burns or infections Nitrogen balance nitrogen in equals nitrogen out healthy adults 8 Compare the nitrogen balance state of a healthy adolescent female aged 16 with that of a 45 year old healthy male adult Healthy adolescent female will have positive nitrogen while the male adult will have nitrogen balance 9 What is the significance of increased high quality protein consumption in the American diet Are there any dietary strategies to enhance quality protein consumption other than direct consumption of high quality proteins If Americans consumed more complete and high quality proteins they would get all of the amino acids they need and would lower the number of people with protein deficiencies Individuals can get up to 99 of their protein needs from animal protein 10 What is the amino acid pool The amino acid pool is a pool of broken down proteins that have become loose amino acids that are now free within the cells of the body and can circulate in the blood to be used to make body proteins 11 What is meant by a protein s digestibility Protein digestibility is based on the PDCAAS assesses the quality of the protein amount of amino acids and the ability to digest it 12 What are the recommended intakes of protein 8 g kg of body weight per day 10 35 of daily energy intake

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