U of M ANTH 1602 - How to Study for Exams

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Prehistoric Cultures University of Minnesota Duluth Tim Roufs Sections http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 studying from the text studying from the text studying from the text for items from the Contents 1 What is it 2 Why is it important 3 When did it happen www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 studying from the text dates read charts from the bottom up http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pctimes html dates 5 7 mya http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pctimes html studying from the text also keep track of 1 The first of things 2 The last of things 3 The best of things studying from the text REPEAT keep track of 1 The first of things 2 The last of things 3 The best of things studying from the text pay attention to the timelines in the text See 10th ed pp 224 250 293 313 347 397 409 robust Australopithecines gracile Australopithecines p 224 Time line of early African hominins p 250 Time line for Homo erectus and contemporaries p 254 Key Fossil Discoveries of Homo erectus p 282 Key Fossil Discoveries of Premodern Humans Homo sapiens Sapiens moderns p 293 Time line of Modern Homo sapiens discoveries p 309 Key Fossil Discoveries of Early Modern Humans and Homo floresiensis p 313 Time line for Ch 13 Early Holocene Hunters and Gatherers p 343 The Most Significant Archaeological Site Discussed in Ch 13 Early Holocene Hunters and Gatherers top of page p 343 The Most Significant Archaeological Sites Discussed in Ch 13 Early Holocene Hunters and Gatherers bottom of page p 347 Time line for Ch 14 Food Production p 386 The Most Significant Archaeological Sites Discussed in Ch 14 Food Production top of page p 386 The Most Significant Archaeological Sites Discussed in Ch 14 Food Production bottom of page p 397 Time line for Old World civilizations p 409 Time line for New World civilizations p 424 The Most Significant Archaeological Site Discussed in Ch 15 The First Civilizations studying from the text for items from the Table of Contents 1 What is it 2 Why is it important 3 When did it happen studying from the text studying from the text continue on in a similar manner with the rest of the chapters 1 What is it 2 Why is it important 3 When did it happen continue on in a similar manner with the rest of the chapters 1 What is it 2 Why is it important 3 When did it happen continue on in a similar manner with the rest of the chapters 1 What is it 2 Why is it important 3 When did it happen continue on in a similar manner with the rest of the chapters 1 What is it 2 Why is it important 3 When did it happen continue on in a similar manner with the rest of the chapters 1 What is it 2 Why is it important 3 When did it happen continue on in a similar manner with the rest of the chapters 1 What is it 2 Why is it important 3 When did it happen continue on in a similar manner with the rest of the chapters 1 What is it 2 Why is it important 3 When did it happen continue on in a similar manner with the rest of the chapters 1 What is it 2 Why is it important Exam 1 on Chs 01 07 and other class materials 3 When did it happen studying from the text What about the names of people names of people know the major figures from Bishop Ussher through the present generally these are people whose pictures are in the text chapters or who are discussed at some length in class Know the people singled out in the Contents sections Know the people singled out in the Contents sections Know the people singled out in the Contents sections 10th Ed p 50 important people works Charles Darwin 1809 1882 Origin of Species 1859 Descent of Man 1871 Charles Darwin 10th Ed pp 26 29 important people works Thomas Malthus 10th Ed p 25 important people works Thomas Malthus 1766 1834 Essay on the Principle of Population 1798 10th Ed p 25 important people works important people works important people works Lamarck Believed that species change was influenced by environmental change He is known for his theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics 10th Ed p 23 Charles Lyell Lyell The father of geology stated that the theory of uniformitarianism in his Principles of Geology 10th Ed p 26 important people works important people works Alfred Russel Wallace Independently uncovered the key to the evolutionary process 10th Ed p 29 important people works studying from the text REM pay special attention to the definitions in the margins of the text studying from the text studying from the text have a look at the Glossary items on pp 441 450 glossary and other terms introduced in class biospecies paleospecies terms concepts from class handout History of Thought The Search for Human Origins the internet Texas http anthropology tamu edu news A M www d umn edu troufs PCforum individual fossils know major finds according to group type early on that means the basic type of find e g Australopithecus South African ape dates Australopithecus South African Ape robust gracile 5 7 mya http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pctimes html individual fossils know major finds according to group type early on that means the basic type of find e g Australopithecus South African ape later it means keeping track of the genus e g Australopithecus individual fossils know major finds according to group type early on that means the basic type of find e g Australopithecus South African ape later it means keeping track of the genus e g Early Homo toward the end Chs 10 16 that means keeping track of the species e g Homo habilis Homo erectus Homo sapiens important individual fossils will be discussed in class throughout the semester keep track of the major areas of change bipedal walking stereoscopic vision grasping hand brain development major areas of change tool manufacture hunting art and ritual agriculture language and speech major areas of change other cultural adaptations development of civilization archaeological sites names locations contents know major archaeological sites Olduvai Laetoli Hadar Sterkfonein Afar p 216 Ch 9 At a Glance p 261 Ch 11 At a Glance p 273 Ch 11 At a Glance p 291 Ch 12 At a Glance p 330 Ch 13 At a Glance p 364 Ch 14 At a Glance p 377 Ch 14 At a Glance p 399 Ch 15 At a Glance p 406 Ch 15 At a Glance p 412 Ch 15 At a Glance p 417 Ch 15 At a Glance sample exam questions http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pcexams html sample exam questions http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pcexams mchoice html

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U of M ANTH 1602 - How to Study for Exams

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