General Genetics BioSc231 Syllabus Instructor Dr Dave Westenberg Department of Biological Sciences Office 105A Schrenk Hall 341 4798 Lab G 6 Schrenk Hall 341 6586 djwesten umr edu Office Hours MWF 9 30 10 20 or by appointment or just stop by my office or lab and if I m available I ll be happy to answer questions Course Description This course will cover the principles of heredity and reasons for variation in all living organisms After completing this course you should be familiar with several phenomena principles rules and laws of genetics including Mendel s Law of segregation and independent assortment meiosis and mitosis origins of specific phenotypic and genotypic ratios mechanisms of sex determination sex linkage gene mapping complementation DNA structure and function cytoplasmic inheritance chromosomal aberrations mutations Textbook Genetics Analysis of Genes and Genomes by Hartl and Jones You will be expected to have read the assigned chapter and related questions before the corresponding class period The end of chapter Review the Basics questions and assigned questions will serve as the basis for classroom discussion Make sure that you are familiar with all key terms at the end of each assigned chapter Reserve material Old exams and links to websites relevant to General Genetics can be accessed through the course HomePage http www umr edu genbio Bio231 html Grading and Exams Your grade will be based on your scores on five exams four midterm exams and one final 60 points each homework 60 points and participation 40 points for a total of 400 points Participation includes asking and answering questions and daily assignments Your participation grade will depend on attendance if you have more than four unexcused absences you will forfeit the 40 points There will be no make up exams during the term however during the second half of the scheduled final you may have the opportunity to take a comprehensive make up exam The exam dates are scheduled as follows Exam Exam Exam Exam Exam 1 2 3 4 5 Monday September 10 Wednesday October 3 Wednesday October 24 Wednesday November 14 Tuesday December 11 4 00 All exams will take place in the regular lecture room Eng Mgt 106 unless notified otherwise Depending on interest I will be offering review sessions before each exam and the time and date will be arranged during class This is intended to be an opportunity for you to ask questions and request clarification of specific topics so come prepared If you have any comments or concerns regarding this course or the instructor good or bad please feel free to discuss them with me If you are not satisfied with my response or prefer to speak with someone else you may contact the Chair of the Biology Department Dr Paula Lutz plutz umr edu 341 4819 or the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Dr Russell Buhite rbuhite umr edu 341 4131 The general topics to be covered and the relevant chapters are listed below Topic Introduction to Genetics an overview DNA Structure Mendelian Genetics EXAM 1 Mitosis and Meiosis Chromosome Mapping DNA Replication EXAM 2 Mutations Chromosome Organization Karyotyping EXAM 3 Bacterial Genetics Gene Expression Gene Regulation Genetic Engineering EXAM 4 Development The Cell Cycle Population Genetics and Evolution EXAM 5 Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17
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