UNT HIST 2620 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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HIST 2620 1nd Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 8 15 Fill in the Blank Terms and Phrases Empire o An empire is the aggregate of many states under one common head whether this head is a monarch or a presiding republic Edward Burke o There were Americans at the time that didn t like to call it the formation of an empire The U S began as a republic against imperialists This beginning does not mean that the empire cannot be formed The U S was actually creating for itself an empire Alfred Thayer Mahan o Mostly known as the prophet of sea power A very committed protestant Christian that believed the type of dominant Christianity in the U S needed to be carried across through imperialism A way of nationalism The teachings of Mahan gave explanation of HOW battleships in the new navy should be used Benjamin F Tracy o Helped form the New Navy with Alfred Thayer Mahan he supported a naval strategy focused more on offense rather than on coastal defense and commerce raiding Treaty of Paris 1898 o Treaty of Paris 1898 Cuba is freed from Spanish control and the Teller amendment makes sure they don t receive any CUBAN territory BUT they do take control of Guam Puerto Rico and the U S pays Spain 20 million for the Philippine Islands Platt Amendment 1 The principal provisions of the amendment say that Cuba will NOT sign any foreign treaty that threatened it s own independence The U S will be involved in that determination of threats to their independence 2 When entering into debt Cuba must be able to pay 3 Cuba would allow the U S to intervene to preserve Cuban independence protect life liberty and property In their constitution they allow third party intervention by the U S 4 Cuba will allow the U S use of certain naval bases including Guantanamo Bay Open Door Policy 1 Japan will open up trade to the U S 2 Japan will stop ill treatment of shipwrecked sailors the Japanese worried that Christian missionaries would injure the bond between the emperor and the people They would crucify Christian converts upside down with their heads in manure Here we had a people that had a government dedicated to seclusion Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine 1904 o Roosevelt and other Americans were worried about the level of debt carried by Caribbean nations Much of this debt was owed to European countries and thy were having trouble getting the money back Americans were afraid that European countries would transgress the Monroe doctrine and take on these countries as colonies Venezuela defaulted on its loans to German Italy and others Americans put pressure on the countries to force a settlement and repay the debts The United States set itself up as the policeman of the western hemisphere Progressivism o The political agitation that that produces changes in government policies and institutions that resulted from the emergence of new concepts of the purposes and functions of government o Democracy individuals experts directly involved as well as direct primaries where people would directly elect Initiative and referendums developed to help people ACTUALLY put ideas for laws forth Recall systems allow a person elected to the position is taken out of the position if the people feel it necessary Efficiency Taylorism and the idea of efficient functioning of government in particular Regulation Social Justice Prohibition very powerful feature Those who believed in this were vocal and active enough to have it passed in government Payne Aldrich Tariff 1909 o Taft argued at this time for a lowering of the tariff This bill didn t have the low rates that Taft wanted but he still passed it to the senate Nelson Aldrich had a very different idea concerning Tariffs he changed the bill utterly from what it was The revised bill had over 800 changes to increase the rates under that tariff So when the tariff bill is released they negotiate and it ends up being a very different bill He doesn t want conflict so he signs the bill into law Progressives in the House and the Senate are Livid They expected Taft to stand up to Aldrich but he did not th 16 amendment 1913 o Allowed for the implementation for an income tax constitutional standpoint th 17 amendment 1913 o Allowed for the direct election of federal senators up until this time federal senators were chosen by state legislators th 18 amendment 1919 o Allowed for the implementation of prohibition on a federal level 19 amendment 1920 o Gave women constitutionally the right to vote New Nationalism o National approach to the countries affairs The central government needs to be very much involved in planning for different party so society and government Roosevelt s ideas of national planning were revolutionary at the federal level for economic growth urban development and the like Called for A strong executive strong presidency to not be interfered with Also called for efficiency in government and society Under the new nationalism the executive and the expert The use of experts was pushed to plan and solve problems Urged social justice reforms under his plan and accepted GOOD trusts those business that paid heed to public interests New Freedom o The new freedom is going to emphasis government action that will ensure greater competition in the economy also the new freedom will push the idea of shrinking the federal government at some point Smaller national government and increased business competition The government should not be determining whom wins loses No one group has special privileges that will allow them to concur competitors He argued for greater entrepreneurship for the private sector to ENSURE THAT THE ECONOMY GROW AND NO ONE BUSINESS GROUP WOULD HAVE MORE POWER THAN IT SHOULD HAVE He also urged for certain social justice reform Underwood Tariff Act 1913 o Promised to reduce the tariff rate and enacted a nationwide graduated income tax regimen Federal Reserve Act 1913 o Many sub treasury banks renamed as Federal Reserve banks and put in place the foundation today a stronger more trustworthy banking system Clayton Anti trust Act 1914 o Clayton anti trust act strengthens anti trust regulations also it exempts unions from anti trust suits It limits the use of injunctions in labor suits U boats o Germans not able to combat at high seas but they have been developing a submarine navy Use the technology they have to get the leg up on their competition They unterseeboat U boat they use these to put a cordon around them to make these British ships sink if they try to blockade

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UNT HIST 2620 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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